I Picked Up an Elephant in My Garden
in Holy Macro
I was checking on the growth process of some rooted cutting when I found this large Elephant Hawk-moth caterpillar on the rim of a pot.
It was about half-grown and must be from a second brood.
It gets the name from the eye-like spots and the trunk-like head end.
I didn’t move, probably because they feed at night. I couldn’t see any damage to leaves so I provided some hardy Fuschia foliage. The larva had gone by the following morning.
The stereos are crosseye.
Olympus EM-1, (aperture priority), Olympus 4/3 50mm f2 macro, 1/30 at f11, 1/50 at f8, 1/40 at f8 ISO 400, hand-held.
Oh my what large eyes you have, very cool looking Caterpillar great job on capturing it.
My Smugmug galleryhttps://mikemcneil.smugmug.com/