What Happens to their comments if I remove and re-add the same email for a guest invite?
I really wish there was just a "resend invitation" button. I have a few models who, when I work with them again, "forget" that they once created a guest account to view their images, so the next time we have a shoot, I struggle with how to re-point them even though I have their email. A post from 2016 suggests just removing and re-adding their email.
My question is: what happens to their comments from before? I use their comments as a way for them to provide feedback on shots and I don't want to lose that.
So if the only way to "remind" them or even tell them that there are new photos or galleries (I create a folder for them and any new galleries underneath are automatically accessible but they don't get notifications that there are new galleries, either.
On that same thought, is there a better way to manage this flow without constantly having to add access to additional galleries (vs just at the folder level)? Is there a way to send notifications when I make additions to a gallery? Should I be using events (I still don't fully understand them)?
you might try contacting the help desk directly with your question.
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