Willow Emerald Damselflies
These were flying at a large pond in a local nature reserve two days ago. It was a warm, sunny day.
This species repeatedly perched on leaves of a small willow tree close to the water and was quite tolerant of my closeness.
The first four are at f8, the other two at f11.
Olympus EM-1 (aperture priority), Olympus 4/3 x2 TC, Olympus 4/3 50mm f2 macro, ISO 640, hand-held.
I have prepared crosseye and conventional stereos which will be uploaded tomorrow.
I have been advised that most of these are Willow Emeralds.
Nice find and shots Harold
Brian V.
Thanks, Brian.
I was having doubts about my identification at the same pond in July 2019 but here is a definite Common Emerald from that session. I have edited the title of this discussion.
Nice shots Harold, ive been out the last few days and haven't seen any more dragons around, I think were done for the year out my way.
My Smugmug galleryhttps://mikemcneil.smugmug.com/
I went back on Friday, one of the warmers days, but frequently-passing clouds probably contributed to their absence