I see the light
When you break an incandescent light bulb to release the element from it's vacuum you can photograph the moment it lights before it burns out. This procedure requires the use of a dimmer switch to lower the power to the light otherwise it burns out way to quick to capture by hand. I wired up a jig and set off to capture the precise moment of ignition before it went out. Hope you enjoy these. Regards Mike
Huston we have ignition.
Coloring the smoke blue
My Smugmug galleryhttps://mikemcneil.smugmug.com/
Ooops I see I posted the same image twice, sorry about that. It should have been this one.

My Smugmug galleryhttps://mikemcneil.smugmug.com/
That's interesting. Well done.
Thanks Black mamba it was a fun project.
My Smugmug galleryhttps://mikemcneil.smugmug.com/
Very cool....and artistic.
Interesting behind-the-scenes "tech" that makes this all work and the ability to photograph it. Thanks for sharing.
Great images!
El Gato
I agree!
Fabulous set! Bravo!