Two Species of Club Fungi
I have seen club fungi only about half a dozen times and this is the first time I have seen two species at the same locality. These were both even in about the same square meter.
They are both Typhula species (sometimes Macrotyphula), the larger one T. fistulosa, the smaller one T. juncea. The latter readily collapses when disturbed not standing upright again.
The stereos are crosseye.
Olympus EM-1, (aperture priority), Olympus 4/3 50mm f2 macro, 1/80, 1/80 and 1/125 sec at f6.3 ISO 2000, hand-held.
Another great stereo set, well done Harold.
My Smugmug gallery
Thanks. Other photographers present found that their AF couldn't cope and seemed not to know how to switch to manual.
More fungus images now being processed.