Badhamia foliicola on Grass in a Public Park
Our fungus recording group were surveying a local park, for fungi and slime moulds, on behalf of the local authority. By chance, our route between two lots of woodland, across amenity grass, took us to this group of three colonies. This was the first record of the species from the county.
Like many slime moulds, this species starts off yellow and then changes colour, in this case to grey, when the contained spores are ripe.
Olympus EM-1, (aperture priority), Olympus 4/3 50mm f2 macro, 1/60 at f9m or 1/30 at f11 ISO 400, hand-held.
The stereos are crosseye, one also conventional.
High magnification images will be uploaded tomorrow.
I have to admit ive never seen anything like this in the grass before, quite interesting.
My Smugmug gallery
Nor have I and I'm constantly looking. Thanks.