Options for showing image info on dgrin

I've been playing with PrintExif, a photoshop script that Harry among others use to attach some exif info to their shots when they post on dgrin. Anyone who has seen Harry's posts knows what I'm talking about: a block at the bottom of the shot with some info extracted from the metadata.
This got me thinking. There are some interesting alternatives. Andy likes to link to the jhead info from smugmug. But it's be nice to have a way to get the info inline (as PrintExif does for Harry's posts) and yet not have it take up valuable image space (especially for Challenge entries.)
The simple thing is to just dump some stuff below the image and perhaps play around a little with the font properties, like this:

Sharks & Minows at W.S.T
28 January 2006, 10:55:51 EST
Canon EOS 5D
ISO 500, 105.0mm, 1/640 @ f/8.0, EC 0.33
This leaves the question of how to get that information convieniently so that adding this kind of caption is at least as easy as running the PrintExif script or linking to the smugmug info.
This got me thinking. There are some interesting alternatives. Andy likes to link to the jhead info from smugmug. But it's be nice to have a way to get the info inline (as PrintExif does for Harry's posts) and yet not have it take up valuable image space (especially for Challenge entries.)
The simple thing is to just dump some stuff below the image and perhaps play around a little with the font properties, like this:

Sharks & Minows at W.S.T
28 January 2006, 10:55:51 EST
Canon EOS 5D
ISO 500, 105.0mm, 1/640 @ f/8.0, EC 0.33
This leaves the question of how to get that information convieniently so that adding this kind of caption is at least as easy as running the PrintExif script or linking to the smugmug info.
If not now, when?
What it doesn't do is filter out just the right info and format it just so as I did in my example. Also it's a command line thing. But I think it's a great starting place for a small band of hackers to create something nice.
See: http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/jhead/
But, feel free to nerd out on the jhead stuff!
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I have a license to hack, so I wasn't feeling a need for permission to nerd out on this topic. It was more in the nature of a call for playmates. Nik is an obvious example, but there are others.
I two things in mind:
- Some way of getting jhead print just the right amount of info in just the right way. This is pretty darned easy. Jhead is a simple program and can easily be extended to do this when given some sort of command line flag.
- Some way to make it easy for people who don't love the command line to use. The nicest possible thing, I think, would be a dgrin/smugmug hack which would reformat the data from dgrin's own exif info. Absent that, I suppose some other website could do it given the right url.
Just thinking aloud.I realize this doesn't really address the issue that you raise, but I thought you might be interested in a new geek toy. It's free with some restrictions and only $29 to buy the unrestricted version.
Thanks I'll do that. I did it once a long time ago and at that time jhead was still better, but I'm always up for a new geek toy.