Skeleton jamboree in B&W
A while back I posted a series of a Halloween decorated scene I ran across up in the mountains .I've never seen anything quite like it. Our friend, Taz, commented that he thought the whole thing was ripe for B&W treatment.....his term was " it begs for it ". Well, why not? I selected some of the shots for conversion and, in some of the cases, a little cropping. Interestingly, I found the brutal, mottled lighting more of a pain to deal with in B&W then with the color version.
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I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Tom you got yourself a gallery! You can sell this set!!
Great set, Tom!!
Your B&W work is well done in processing these images. Some are more striking in B&W than in the original RGB.
One or two of these (#'s 4 and 5, for example), I can easily see as screen prints on T-shirts and/or fall-weight sweatshirts. Just in time for Halloween 2023!!
Well done, Tom
El Gato
Dang, Taz. You and Al have gotten me interested in exploring the possibility of marketing some of this stuff. I've never given pursuing that action very much consideration, but the adventure of doing it has some appeal to me. I appreciate very much the comments both of you have made.
That is a creepy and bizarre set!
Hey Al. See, above, my comments to Taz. I very much appreciate the observations and input from both of you.
I couldn't agree with you more, Cristóbal. The whole episode of finding and shooting this scene seemed a little surreal to me