I've been playing around with this in many iterations, some prior to the one presented and others with further editing. At some point I gave up, but I keep coming back to the image, so I decided to post it for your opinion. I welcome all comments including "total flop" "meh" or anything else.
I love the object, Cristóbal. The purple table/stand seems out of balance to me. So I raised the bottom margin to where the purple disappears. Obviously, doing so leaves a decidedly " landscape type", stretched-out image. But I think the image then jumps into the "killer" class, where the focus is on the object only. Good work, buddy.
No objection!
Thank you both. For me, the purple table along with the slightly clearer triangle on the left gives it a cubist feel that I like.
Couldn't agree more with Tom and Taz...top shelf shot!
Colors are superb and work to make the overall image "pop." Your creative treatment of the image is spot on.
I can easily see this one enlarged to serious wall-size and center stage in a gallery.
Well done Cristóbal!
El Gato
Many thanks Gato! And many thanks for always taking the time to provide thoughtful comments.