Total account storage used
How do I find out how much total storage all my photos and videos are consuming on smugmug? I don't want gallery level, but the entire account which includes all the folders/galleries.
How do I find out how much total storage all my photos and videos are consuming on smugmug? I don't want gallery level, but the entire account which includes all the folders/galleries.
Go here to see total photos. Use to be a size somewhere but can't find it.
"your site"/date
Add up all the years for total photos.
My Website index | My Blog
Thanks, but this only gives the total number of photos, not the total GigaBytes used, which is what I'm trying to find.
You can see the number of files uploaded in:
Settings... Stats... Uploads
I am not aware of a way to show the total storage used.
You might try to contact SmugMug support directly to see if this statistic is exposed to you anywhere.
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks, I'll contact Support.
Does not show beyond a month.
Show uploads for the last: day week month
Plus it does not show files sizes.
My Website index | My Blog
I emailed support and they said there is no way to find out the total storage used as of now, some bug needs to be fixed first before this number can be determined and displayed.
Thanks for the update @Khalid
Musings & ramblings at