So ugly they're cute.
in Wildlife
A pair of coot chicks. They dont stay this color for long.
Parents tending to the chicks.
Posing for me.
Hey were did everybody go ?
Thanks for looking....Mike
My Smugmug gallery
Well, you know the old saying, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Good work, Mike.
Thank you, they were fun to study and photograph into adulthood, they stayed on our slough until they undertook they're long flight south in the fall.
My Smugmug gallery
Wonderful set. Their colors are really amazing. Nice compositions, as well.
"My wife and I make the perfect point-and-shoot photography team. She points and I shoot!"
Thanks for the comment Tony im glad you liked them. It's funny that such a colorful chick turns into a dull black and white adult.
My Smugmug gallery