Rust elixir gone wild
I was drifting through some older files recently. I came upon these two shots. Some of you folks that have been on our forum awhile may remember them.
1 ) This is a 400 + year old coquina wall in St. Augustine.
2 ) This is the same wall after I got through assaulting it with a generous dose of rust elixir.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Good work! It's not as wild as many of your previous presentations! This is measured to my eyes! Cheers Tom!!
Although I like it, I agree with Taz. Compared to some of your other creations it's somewhat conservative, perhaps because of the rectangular nature of the subject.
Well. well. I'm looking at you two and myself as the Three Amigos. You want wild ? Real wild? Well, so do I. The wilder, the better. Prepare yourself !!!. Some of the stuff I'm working on now is going to be history- making. Only the strong will survive it.
Looking forward to wild!!
I hope you are, Cristóbal. I appreciate your interest. As you and I have discussed, we both like to walk on the other side of the street on occasion. This rust stuff, for me, is doing just is pure adrenalin and freedom to soar.
Good to see colors again.
Looking forward to seeing what you are cooking up for your next set of images. Keep on cooking.
As others have stated, looking forward to the wild.
El Gato
Thanks, Al. Gear up.....the wild stuff is coming.