black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
@Stumblebum said:
Love it! Something about simplicity and beauty!
Thanks, Taz. This was shot down in Marco Island, Fl. on the Gulf side of the state where, as opposed to the entire eastern seaboard of the U.S., we get to see sunsets over water. I've seldom seen winds ripping through clouds at the higher elevations as you see here.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
It is cold, dark, wet and rainy here and this gives me hope that spring, summer and better weather will eventually be here again.
Ah, to sink my toes into the warm sands on the shell-laden beaches of Marco Island, cool tall one in hand, watching the sun slip below the horizon...yup, just cured my Seasonal Affective Disorder. Thanks Tom! Your image was medicinal and wonderful to boot!
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited February 17, 2023
Thanks, Al.
After hearing about the weather you're having to endure, I'm feeling a little guilty.... but then I look back just a few short weeks at the storms that ripped up Florida and my sympathy wanes a bit. I'm not much for collecting sea shells but I'm a real hound for sharks teeth. The storms provided a plethora of both items on our beaches. When a friend, who was staying at his condo on Marco Island, called and told me of the situation, I scurried on down to add to my collection.....and I snared some really nice additions.
You talk about having a tall one and enjoying the scene. I'm going to give you one of the best tips you'll ever receive in your life. On the back side of Marco Island.....out in the marshlands and a million tributaries....lies a small fishing village in an area identified as Goodland, Fl. Therein resides the " Little Bar and Restaurant ". Aside from being extremely photogenic, this place attracts the most eclectic crowd you have ever seen. The locals ( mostly folks trying to make a living out of fishing, crabbing, what ever it takes ) are the dominant players. But people from all of the beach towns.....Marco Island and a bunch more....drift over on a regular basis. If you can last till about 12 P.M. ( after all the lite-weights and pretenders have given up and left ) the serious fun begins. If you just huddled in a corner and watched, you'd still be comatose by daylight. Damn, it's a great place. I've been there often.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Always appreciative of an "insider's" tip. Some of the best times have been had in "locals only" pubs (and those establishments of a lesser stature) around the world.
I have written this one down. If/when I make it back to Marco Is., I will seek out this island gem...hoist one, and enjoy the vibe.
Always appreciative of an "insider's" tip. Some of the best times have been had in "locals only" pubs (and those establishments of a lesser stature) around the world.
I have written this one down. If/when I make it back to Marco Is., I will seek out this island gem...hoist one, and enjoy the vibe.
I hope you get there one day, Al. The vibes at that place are unmatched by any other watering hole I've tangled with. I'm not a big booze hound myself....just enough imbibing to get the spirits moving.... but the goings-on at this place seem to mesmerize me. I can't think of another place that keeps personnel out on the docks just to rescue patrons that stumble round and fall in he water. I've witnessed that occurrence more than once. Long live " The Little Bar ".
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Love it! Something about simplicity and beauty!
Thanks, Taz. This was shot down in Marco Island, Fl. on the Gulf side of the state where, as opposed to the entire eastern seaboard of the U.S., we get to see sunsets over water. I've seldom seen winds ripping through clouds at the higher elevations as you see here.
Thank you for sharing this great shot.
It is cold, dark, wet and rainy here and this gives me hope that spring, summer and better weather will eventually be here again.
Ah, to sink my toes into the warm sands on the shell-laden beaches of Marco Island, cool tall one in hand, watching the sun slip below the horizon...yup, just cured my Seasonal Affective Disorder. Thanks Tom! Your image was medicinal and wonderful to boot!
El Gato
Thanks, Al.
After hearing about the weather you're having to endure, I'm feeling a little guilty.... but then I look back just a few short weeks at the storms that ripped up Florida and my sympathy wanes a bit.
I'm not much for collecting sea shells but I'm a real hound for sharks teeth. The storms provided a plethora of both items on our beaches. When a friend, who was staying at his condo on Marco Island, called and told me of the situation, I scurried on down to add to my collection.....and I snared some really nice additions.
You talk about having a tall one and enjoying the scene. I'm going to give you one of the best tips you'll ever receive in your life. On the back side of Marco Island.....out in the marshlands and a million tributaries....lies a small fishing village in an area identified as Goodland, Fl. Therein resides the " Little Bar and Restaurant ". Aside from being extremely photogenic, this place attracts the most eclectic crowd you have ever seen. The locals ( mostly folks trying to make a living out of fishing, crabbing, what ever it takes ) are the dominant players. But people from all of the beach towns.....Marco Island and a bunch more....drift over on a regular basis. If you can last till about 12 P.M. ( after all the lite-weights and pretenders have given up and left ) the serious fun begins. If you just huddled in a corner and watched, you'd still be comatose by daylight. Damn, it's a great place. I've been there often.
Always appreciative of an "insider's" tip. Some of the best times have been had in "locals only" pubs (and those establishments of a lesser stature) around the world.
I have written this one down. If/when I make it back to Marco Is., I will seek out this island gem...hoist one, and enjoy the vibe.
El Gato
I hope you get there one day, Al. The vibes at that place are unmatched by any other watering hole I've tangled with. I'm not a big booze hound myself....just enough imbibing to get the spirits moving.... but the goings-on at this place seem to mesmerize me. I can't think of another place that keeps personnel out on the docks just to rescue patrons that stumble round and fall in he water. I've witnessed that occurrence more than once. Long live " The Little Bar ".