jcday44jcday44 Registered Users Posts: 9 Big grins

I have been asking about this and suggesting this literally for a decade. Has any progress been made? Duplicate a gallery, it holds its settings, you replace text and photos and done. Don't tell me to use gallery presets, because that doesn't duplicate all settings. How hard can it be to set something like this up?!! Right now, I'm creating a gallery and manually matching all setting of a previous one. Tedious.


  • shankerrhceshankerrhce Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    This feature is found in smumug competitor. Even is looking for a web page for an event with sub galleries
  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins

    @jcday44 said:
    Don't tell me to use gallery presets, because that doesn't duplicate all settings. How hard can it be to set something like this up?!! Right now, I'm creating a gallery and manually matching all setting of a previous one. Tedious.

    Can you let us know which settings in specific are you missing in gallery presets?
    Note that due to the way passwords are securely kept on our end, it's unlikely that we could transfer them to a different gallery via gallery presets.

    In regards to pages, if you contact us on our HelpDesk, we may create copies of any custom pages. Just include a link to the page(s) in question and how many copies you need.

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • rougetaureaurougetaureau Registered Users Posts: 38 Big grins

    I must say I support this feature request. Designing a page can be quite long and being unable to save a page template with content blocks already designed seems strange. I know support in SmugMug is great and if asked the SmugMug support people will duplicate any page we do but it is a bit strange to work this way.

  • sammc007sammc007 Registered Users Posts: 4 Big grins
    It's like having a word processor with no Copy/Paste functionality. I don't think you would expect to have to contact Microsoft to ask them to copy and paste a paragraph for you.
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