Change Username
I am in the process of setting up
Can I get my username changed to "IPSC Action" instead of "ipscaction" so it show's up correctly on my home page?
Also, I would like to replace the smugmug logo with my own and I tried the stylesheet example but it's not working. The url to the logo is
Thanks in advance ...
Can I get my username changed to "IPSC Action" instead of "ipscaction" so it show's up correctly on my home page?
Also, I would like to replace the smugmug logo with my own and I tried the stylesheet example but it's not working. The url to the logo is
Thanks in advance ...
Control Panel>account settings and you can do it yourself
Are you trying to CHANGE the smugmug logo or remove it and have your own header?
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I changed it by putting IPSC in the first name field and Action in the last name field. I was hoping to do it in the nickname field instead but this will work fine.
I am trying to change the smugmug logo. I want to keep everything else the way it is except replace the logo with mine.
Thanks ....
Thanks ...
Changing the logo:
replace what Andy told you with this...
.smuglogo {
background: url("") no-repeat !important;
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Hey David,
Well, I'm starting to get somewhere. It finally placed the logo but it placed it behind the smugmug logo which is still there.
Just have to get rid of the smugmug logo and I should be set.
Thanks ...
.smuglogo {
background: url("") no-repeat;
Sorry Mike, no go. Still putting the logo behind the smugmug logo. Just to verify, the only tag I have in the box is the one above. Initially Andy had me put two different tags in the box.
I just need my logo on each page instead of the SmugMug logo.
Thanks in advance ...
I went back to this:
.smuglogo {
background: url("") no-repeat !important;
and put this in your body tag:
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add the highlighted for IE (should work..not tested tho)
.smuglogo {
background: url("") no-repeat !important;
filter: none;
DEVbobo gave me this and it's now good in Safari, FF: Mac; IE6 and FF: Windows.
.smuglogo {
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(enabled=true, sizingMethod=scale src='') !important;
.smuglogo[class] {
background: url( no-repeat !important;
onload = changeHomelink;
function changeHomelink () {
document.getElementById('homelink').href = '';
and this is in body tag:
<body onload="changeHomelink();">
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Hey Lee,
This would be the cleanest solution, however with this method, the logo disappears onmouseover in IE.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
no assuming for IE i guess.
If you are running into specificity issues, post a question about it and I'll help you out.
Thanks again ...
control panel>themes choose Sand as your all pages theme
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I had that set previously but the logo was not showing up in the gallery. Further research revealed I had to uncheck "Hide Owner" to see the customization in the galleries.
One last question hopefully, the logo I uploaded to one of the galleries, how can I remove it from the gallery and still have it available in the system for the customization? If I delete it from the gallery, does it delete from the system?
Thanks for all your help ....
You MUST leave that logo on your site. Keep it in a private gallery - name the gallery Site Files
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Got it, will do.
And Thanks again for all your help ...
Hi there,
My domain name is but my current nickname on smugmug is KiwiLight. I would like to align the two so that when I send a link etc it is to my domain name rather than kiwilight.smugmug etc etc.
I tried changing my nickname to richpics but someone had already taken that name =(
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I found the answer myself... thanks team.
Here is the thread should anyone else have the same question: