How to remove the Buy Photo option from my pages?
My website is I just went to a picture in my Night Skies gallery and then clicked to enlarge it, and there is a green icon in the corner to buy it. Sorry, but I don't want people buying my pictures!!! How do I get rid of that icon?? I manage the site from Lightroom and I should have the options set for all the galleries to not allow comments or downloading. I don't see an option there to disallow selling, though.
Is that something sitewide? How do I fix it? Thanks!
There is a gallery setting that allows you to disable the visitor shopping cart. As the site owner you will always see the buy option when you are logged in.
For galleries that are already loaded to your site you can change the setting for multiple galleries in Organizer using bulk gallery settings.
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OK -- thanks!! I didn't realize I would see it when other people don't!