A bit of confusion, Jantzen

Beginner grinner
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 2
"Strom Thurmond Walk to Wellness Center" by Jantzen
Staright out of camera, would like to process, but no editing software on this machine at work.
I hope it stands on its' own merit, but don't worry, I will process and see how much I can polish it up.
Thank you for your comments and suggestions.
Exif info follows below photo
Hey, Jantzen, unknown fellow resident of SC. Ginger here, just saw you very nice photo on the Challenge thread.
I don't know if you are aware, but people cannot make comments on that thread. We sometimes accidentally do, but they are soon removed. It is kind of an official thread, name of photo, name of photographer, a bit more, but comments from others are not allowed.
What we do is post a photo we want a comment on, we post it in a New Thread, a thing at the top of all the challenge threads, so we have our own thread, then we put *Challenge: Name of photo or something to grab attention. That goes into a pre challenge, or concurrent, challenge thread, where people can comment. By putting the * there, it is supposed to indicate that you want comments.
You can get creative: Screaming HELP, NEWBIE HERE, that sometimes works.
Anything to get their attention. I know you have shot at night before, so that wwouldn't fly, but FIRST CHALLENGE, that would bring the "guns" running. I don't mean bad guns, I mean your old friends, like Andy.
Charleston, SC
former life Rock Hill,
before that I was a Yankee, I am not sure if that counts in a former life.
Please don't tell anyone.
Good luck, I like the photo you posted. The walkway leads right in..........
Hey I don't know where you live, but are there any photo ops on the Essie Mae thing, might be more interesting? (Go ahead ask us who Essie Mae is, or let Jantzen show you with his camera)
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 2
"Strom Thurmond Walk to Wellness Center" by Jantzen
Staright out of camera, would like to process, but no editing software on this machine at work.
I hope it stands on its' own merit, but don't worry, I will process and see how much I can polish it up.
Thank you for your comments and suggestions.
Exif info follows below photo
Hey, Jantzen, unknown fellow resident of SC. Ginger here, just saw you very nice photo on the Challenge thread.
I don't know if you are aware, but people cannot make comments on that thread. We sometimes accidentally do, but they are soon removed. It is kind of an official thread, name of photo, name of photographer, a bit more, but comments from others are not allowed.
What we do is post a photo we want a comment on, we post it in a New Thread, a thing at the top of all the challenge threads, so we have our own thread, then we put *Challenge: Name of photo or something to grab attention. That goes into a pre challenge, or concurrent, challenge thread, where people can comment. By putting the * there, it is supposed to indicate that you want comments.
You can get creative: Screaming HELP, NEWBIE HERE, that sometimes works.
Anything to get their attention. I know you have shot at night before, so that wwouldn't fly, but FIRST CHALLENGE, that would bring the "guns" running. I don't mean bad guns, I mean your old friends, like Andy.
Charleston, SC
former life Rock Hill,
before that I was a Yankee, I am not sure if that counts in a former life.
Please don't tell anyone.
Good luck, I like the photo you posted. The walkway leads right in..........
Hey I don't know where you live, but are there any photo ops on the Essie Mae thing, might be more interesting? (Go ahead ask us who Essie Mae is, or let Jantzen show you with his camera)
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I like your photo of the creek, and I love to eat there avery time we are down your way.
We love C-Town, as we affectionately call Charleston.
Essie Mae, you're too funny!