Some interesting rides
Wicked fast Cobra
1 )
2 )
Ugly duckling
3 )
4 )
5 )
The very first rear engine Corvette. Design exercise XP-819
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8 )
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Thanks, buddy. I actually saw that car around 1970. Chevrolet had sent it to Smokey Yunick's Garage in Daytona to be destroyed....which at the time was a federally mandated rule for prototype cars that were never intended to be street driven. He cut it up into several large pieces and stashed it away. Smokey was one of the best engine builders of his day and I had gone down to have him work on one of my cars. He showed me the pieces. I'm not sure when but somebody bought the pieces and had it restored to its condition as you see it here. Old Smokey was a real character but a genius at what he did.
Doubly cool! I always enjoy the stories behind the pics!
Insanely good selection of cars Tom!
The second shot is EPIC! Definitely Frame worthy! Bravo! Print Big!
You know, brother, even before I posted this shot, I wanted so bad to make it worthy of what you suggest. My limited computer skills aren't enough, and probably my software package is not sophisticated enough, to eliminate the background clutter that I thought was necessary. I tried but couldn't get happy with the results. You really think it would stand on it's own two legs just like it is?
I think so. Beautiful light on those trees. Couple of people too. They are not taking anything away from the main subject. Actually making it bit more alive in my view because when eyes explore they will find some more things of interest. But the light and color and your near perfect framing is what is so exciting! Like the car is saying, "Am I good or what?"
As usual, Taz, I value your input a great deal. I guess that I just needed a little encouragement in this case. That shot is going to go BIG on my office wall. BTW, that 198 number on the door of that car is the top speed it recorded om a closed-course track. That had to be one bodacious experience. Take care, my friend.
What a great set of cars, the one you labeled ugly duckling looks a bit like a catfish in the front to me. I miss going to car shows.
My Smugmug gallery
Thanks for looking in, Mike. I've been a car show hound for as long as I can remember. There was a time when I used to regularly hit the 4 or 5 really major shows around the country on an annual basis. My last trip to the Pebble Beach show was 2 years ago. The expense and hassle to get to that one got out of hand. I limit myself now to the handful of really good shows in the Southern states.'ve captured some stunning images of some amazing autos.
I too always enjoy the "backstory" to your images. Thank you!
El Gato
Thanks, Al. I tell you what....I'll trade a bunch of my car shots for the one shot you took of the primate's hands. That picture reaches down to some inner-core emotions I's hard to explain but the effect on me is dramatic.
You need to make it to Auburn. Just saying. I know people there. :shrug:
Plans are to make it to Hersey just once in my lifetime.... every year I say, "I'm going next year" and then ~ something comes up and I miss it.
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