Printing Questions
Gonna try printing via Smugmug for the first time, having lost Costco. (1) Does Smugmug printing cover "edge-to-edge" and print 100% of the image? First Costco alternative I tried cuts off about 1/8 inch from all edges. I'm printing 11x14 for a contest with drop shadow and white borders. It's essential I get the full white borders and not lose that 1/8 inch. (2) Does Smugmug printing ship 11x14 prints flat or rolled up?
Does this help?
If you want to discuss this I recommend contacting SmugMug support directly. While they do check in here occasionally they respond much faster through their help desk.
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Thanks, but bummer. Same as my first attempt. Have to print one size bigger and self-trim back to desired size. Now I'm wondering how Costco didn't have this issue. The help pages say for BayPhoto "most sizes are flat packed". I guess that means some are not. No way to tell.
OK, got my 11x14 prints from Smugmug/Bayphoto. I followed the (misleading) guide in the link given above and padded the images to account for the trim, while maintaining the 11x14 ratio. Well, the trim DIDN"T HAPPEN. Apologies for shouting, but the prints include the additional white border padding I added. Not a big problem as the prints will be useable.
The guide says to "add 38 pixels to the total width", with no regard for the original pixel width. Think about that.