Go back to original gallery after done organizing it
When I click on Organize Gallery it brings me to where I can do a custom sort and whatever else I want to do. However, there is no "done" button or anything like that. I have to click on "site" on the upper left to get back to my site and out of the organize stuff. But that means I lose where I was. I have to manually go back and click through all my folders to get to the gallery I was just at. Major pain in the butt. Is there not a way to do organize my gallery and then go right back to that gallery when I am done to check out the changes without having to start from my home page all the time?
If you click the "VIEW ON SITE" button from the Organizer it will take you to that gallery on your site.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com