Captions outside the lightbox
Smugmug is almost perfect ... if they can just implement this one feature in a future release...
Please enable the ability for captions to be positioned outside of the image. It would allow the caption text to contrast more against a plain background, and not take away from the image itself.
That's it, that's all I beg for.
Please enable the ability for captions to be positioned outside of the image. It would allow the caption text to contrast more against a plain background, and not take away from the image itself.
That's it, that's all I beg for.
Whoops, I was hoping I could do this
This works for me, although I am told it is not "good" code. Anyhow you can try it if you want. You can readily customize the top: (number of negative pixels to determine how far below the image you want to place the caption), font-size, background-color, etc.
sm-gallery .sm-tile-info {
max-width: 600PX;
text-align: center;
color: #000!important;
position: relative;
left: 300px;
top: -80px;
background-color: #f9f9f5;
or .sm-tile-caption in the first line if you have trouble with this.
Try this CSS, from
Essentially, it shrinks the lightbox by 72px, so the caption (generally!) sits below the image.
If you need to know where to add this to your site, see here:
I have it on "All Galleries"