Creating my website
I am trying to create my web site again, I tried several years ago, and I have run in to similiar issues as I had before. I get so far then I cannot seem to do what I want, my logic does'nt seem to follow the site logic.
I will say I am a kinestetic learner and as such do have problems following the instructions, I have written user manuals and unfortunately there seems to be some assumptions with the instructions.
Ideally I would like to know if there is anyone in the UK (East MIdlands) who would be willing to help me out with some tution (paid) if I explain what I want to do for my site.
Thank you
I will say I am a kinestetic learner and as such do have problems following the instructions, I have written user manuals and unfortunately there seems to be some assumptions with the instructions.
Ideally I would like to know if there is anyone in the UK (East MIdlands) who would be willing to help me out with some tution (paid) if I explain what I want to do for my site.
Thank you