RESULTS: Mini-Challenge #361: Pets and Domestic Animals

This is hard. The entries were all great. I love pets and animals in general, so I really want to give all these pictures a first place. But, since I don’t love chaos I have to figure out a ranking. So here goes.
Sherry @slpollett, your kitties are all so beautiful. I really like the one of Abby. She just seems to know that the colorful background is very flattering to her markings. But my favorite is Cotton. There is just such a sweetness in his expression.
Shawn @shawnc, that feral cat photo made me laugh. It looks like it’s wearing a racoon disguise. Your peacock photo is just stunning but my favorite is the photo of the two dogs. There is just such a sense of anticipation in their posture. And the black background really sets them off.
@grandmaR, you’re one up on me because I have never been able to successfully pan. The weiner dog photo is cute, but the girl’s expression really steals the show for me. So, as far as pets and domestic animals are concerned my favorite is Lambing in Yorkshire. I know anthropomorphizing animal behavior isn’t accurate, but I really like the way the ewe appears to be caressing the lamb. Maybe her face just itches and she’s using the nearest lamb to scratch, but it looks like a caress so there it is.
Jo @Cavalier, your dogs are so beautiful. I have seen several pups waiting in just that pose for their beloved person to come home. But my favorite is your first photo. That expression reminds me of one of my cats who liked to push boundaries. Exactly as you said, deal with my behavior. Or maybe “I am so busted”. But they don’t stop and we love them and laugh.
Peter @GSPeP, that border collie is just too cute, but my favorite of your photos is the pug. That expression is just great. I think a pug can still give you that sad expression even if they are elated. I just can’t keep from staring at that guy.
Gretchen @sapphire73, I like all three of your sheep photos. The sheep in the road made me laugh. I’m sure we’ve all been stopped by animals who decide the road is exactly where they should be. But my favorite is your first, Sheep in Honister Pass. That expression is just so smug.
Well, as I said any of these pictures could take first place. So, like Kate @kdotaylor in the last challenge I’m going to have to go with my feelings.
@grandmaR Lambing time in Yorkshire
@sapphire73 Sheep in Honister Pass
Honest, I have nothing against sheep. That’s just the way it came out.
3rd place tie:
@slpollett, Cotton at 6 weeks Sweet kitty!
@shawnc, photo of two dogs. A wonderful photo of wonderful dogs.
2nd place:
@cavalier, Willie. I love that mischievous look
1st place:
@GSPeP, Pug. I think that dog is asking me for something but I have no idea what… so I gave him first place.
Peter, the next challenge is yours.
I'm not sure what happened. I put in links to the photos but they're not in the post. Sorry.
@bfluegie - Barbara, thank you for a well-run mini and the honorable mention. I loved seeing all the great entries! Congratulations to @GSPeP for a well deserved first place! And congrats to @Cavalier for second and to @shawnc and @slpollett for third. @grandmaR, I really enjoyed seeing your lambing in Yorkshire photo as we are usually in the UK much later in the year.
My SmugMug Galleries
Barbara, thank you for the second place for this fun mini. Well run and a lot of great shots of sweet animals. I thank you and Willie thanks you - got any cookies?
Book 2:
@bfluegie Thanks for the mini challenge and putting me first.
Also, congratulations to all others.
Since I'm travelling for work with limited access (and time) to internet, I will only be able to post a new mini next saturday.
Unless @cavalier would like to make the next one? &
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Peter @GSPeP ,if you meant Saturday 12/2, that is only a couple of days away. I don't think that is too long to wait for the next mini. But if it is a week away, I probably could come up with something. I for one,based on your photography, would like to see you come up with a topic however.
Book 2:
Thank you very much for the HM and for an interesting mini - most of the photos were far superior to mine - I would have had trouble picking a winner.
FYI - the photo of the lambs was taken from a B&B in Yorkshire. The farm owner told me that the ewes and lambs were outside for the first time since the lambing. The numbers on the lambs match numbers on the ewes. The color of the number reflects the number of baby lambs. I don't remember which color was which, but one color for one lamb, another for twins, and a third color for triplets.
Great mini! Thank you for the third place. Cotton was the best cat. I really love Shaun's and Cavalier's dogs, but Peter's pug is an awesome choice for winner. That expression wins it for me, too. Congrats to all!
Sherry P.
All awesome entries. Congratulations to those who ranked. Thank you for the mention of my images.
The cat was a feral living at a local wetlands.
The dogs belong to a friend, I thought a nice image of her dogs would be a great way to repay her kindness.
The Peacock was at a local zoo.
Hi all,
Sorry for not posting the next mini. My travel was longer than expected. Including being sick for several days. &
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