iOS App - Auto Upload - Where are My Photos Going?

I have the the Smugmug app for iOS, and on a weekly basis I will get a pop-up alert that says, congratulations, 13 new photos have been uploaded to Smugmug! or words to that effect. I have no idea where on my Smugmug site those photos are being posted! Nor do I have any idea what photos are being selected. My site is just a very small hobby site, mostly focused on camping and off-roading, but I'm not willing to just automatically post anything and everything! Using the Organizer view within Smug, I see an Automatic iOS Uploads folder, but the contents are a decade old:
Where are these photos being uploaded too? Where are they being pulled from? (I assume my camera roll, but I am not sure....)
Here is a link to my site if that helps:
Where are these photos being uploaded too? Where are they being pulled from? (I assume my camera roll, but I am not sure....)
Here is a link to my site if that helps:
You might try reaching out to the helpdesk directly.
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