How do I share a Folder with someone ?

I have been a subscriber to this service (SmugMug) for many years, but I have never needed to share folders with other people before.
Suddenly I see this difficulty because I can't find the link to be able to send to people that apparently seems to be available.
However, it is not my intention to ask people to subscribe to the service but rather to simply share photos that I have in a set of Galleries.
In terms of sharing images which are inside the galleries, I don't have any problem with that because I can do that very well, but I can't do the rest and I don't like it at all.
I would be very sad if I had to leave this service, not only because it has served me well so far, but also because of all the work involved in exporting the set of images that I have, which is not a small number.
Thank you for any help that can be given.
I recommend contacting SmugMug support directly. While they check in here periodically you will get a faster response by contacting the help desk.
Musings & ramblings at
Thank you Denise for your reply.
I have done as you suggested !
Cheers !
From the heros
"Hi Antonio
Thanks for giving me the specifics of the folder you want to share. There are two different reasons that you are unable to share the contents of that folder right now.
First, your site design does not include content blocks for displaying the subfolders or galleries when that folder is shared.
You can resolve that by changing the 'all folders' design, and adding a folders, galleries, pages content block to it.
Second, the subfolders and galleries in the folder are unlisted. They won't be visible via the folder url unless they are public. You'll either need to make all of your subfolders and galleries public inside of that unlisted folder, or share each gallery individually."