QR Code Issue w/ Site Settings/Privacy
Greetings, I am having an issue with my Smug settings to allow generating of QR codes. I receive a message stating 'Change of privacy settings required. This page is currently private, meaning that only you as the owner can see it. If you want to get a shareable QR code to give to your visitors, you will need to change the settings first.'. I have performed the following.. Smug backend Logged In as owner > Organize > Site Homepage > Settings > Security > Public. I have tried googling but haven't come up with anything,. I have tried several different privacy settings on various folders and galleries. No idea what I am missing. Any clue as to where I am going wrong.
Is the item you are trying to generate a qr for set to allow public access? If the folder or gallery has a setting of private only you can see it.
You might want to contact the help desk directly.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com