Responsive Design for Mobile - CSS to Change Order of Element Rendering on Small Screens

tpkeeneytpkeeney Registered Users Posts: 4 Big grins
Does anyone have any experience using CSS to change the order of how elements are rendered on mobile? I have a footer with 5 columns (Columns 0 and 4 being spacers) and 3 rows in each column. Web renders correctly, but on mobile, the order of rendering of all elements in Row 1 followed by all elements in Row 2, etc. creates a vertical display that makes no sense.

I’m familiar with the “@media screen and (max-width: 767px)” syntax to define when to have the adjustments be made, but after several attempts to reorder using various classes, I can’t get anything to work. The following is an example of the type of code I have been trying:
.sm-page-layout-region-footer .sm-page-layout-column[data-layout-column="1"] {
order: 1;
.sm-page-layout-region-footer .sm-page-layout-column[data-layout-column="1"] [data-layout-row="D"],
.sm-page-layout-region-footer .sm-page-layout-column[data-layout-column="1"] [data-layout-row="Tm"],
.sm-page-layout-region-footer .sm-page-layout-column[data-layout-column="1"] [data-layout-row="j"] {
order: 1;

Can anyone who has tackled something similar offer help?


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