Mini Challenge #373: Results :The Color "BLUE": It isn't as common as you think

shawncshawnc Registered Users Posts: 723 Major grins

My apologies for the lateness in my Reporting Results.... I have had urgent family matters.
So again I will be brief, and not give the images the attention they deserve.

Thank you all again for your entries, this is harder than I thought it would be.
Blue is one of the rarest of colors in nature. Even the few animals and plants that appear blue don’t actually contain the color.
Something to help understand the color blue. A short Video explaining this phenomenon.

Our competition morphed into a Blue Color Extravaganza!!!!

@slpollett said:

Love the senior Photo, a few blues in there.

Senior photo in Bluebonnets (Texas state flower). I have hundreds and hundreds of bluebonnet photos of various compositions, but this is one of my favorite people portraits. I chose this one because the graduate is also wearing a blue dress. :)

Lots - O - Blue in this image! very nice.

@Morgan8585 said:

Diving reefs in Maui, Hawaii

Love both of these images. Even BLUE Eyes have us fooled by the color.

There was a garden on Cape Cod with a section just for blue flowers. And I also have some pictures of birds with blue feathers

  • including some of a peacock that lived in our yard for about a year. But these are the ones I picked
  1. Blue eyes My grandson is almost 14 years old in this photo, which was taken in 2008

Lovely image, Lots of Blue.

@Cavalier said:
Here are a couple of blue (ish)

1) Morning blue on the Sound. (Puget Sound, Washington)

The Blue tail is the kind of blue we are looking for.

@bfluegie said:

1) Juvenile 5 lined skink (at least that's what I think it is)

The blue tail is a feature of the juvenile

Wonderful image

@sapphire73 said:
Great idea for a mini! I did find it challenging to find images that feature blue - apart from nature - so I'm glad you are accepting nature shots as well. That said, life is pretty full just now and I will be traveling soon. So please don't count these as entries. I will have limited WiFi and no computer access while away. Thanks!

1) Blea Tarn

I am quite fond of this image, Love the simplicity

@sarasphotos said:
Blue from nature is already quite well represented so I decided to go for three "unnatural" representations.
3) Detail from an aging window shutter in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France

Very Clever...Lovely image of a Hawk.

@jwear said:

_just a little blue humor. Move u are blocking the BLUE

Number Three for today is:
This is some serious BLUE

@sarasphotos said:
Blue from nature is already quite well represented so I decided to go for three "unnatural" representations.

1) Night lighting of the art museum in Carcassonne, France

Number Two for today is:
Love the Hot Rods

3) Too cool for school blue, Redding, Ca

Number One Today is:
In Keeping with the original subject of BLUE in nature must go to:

  1. A "Blue" Bird on a Post

All yours Sherry.


  • CavalierCavalier Registered Users Posts: 3,080 Major grins

    Thanks for the comments and 2nd place nod, Shawn. Congrats to everyone for some great shots. Special congratulations to Sherry for the 1st place beautiful blue bird.

  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator

    @shawnc - Thanks again for a fun mini with blue being a key element in the photos and for your comments. And congratulations to @sarasphotos on 3rd place, @Cavalier on 2nd place, and @slpollett for the win.

    Sherry mentioned that if she happened to win this challenge, it would be a few days before she could start a new challenge: "I am submitting some images, but...I will be away from home in an area where I will have no cell service and no internet access when this mini closes. Either don't consider these at all or understand that I will be unavailable to start a new mini for 3 or 4 days after this one closes." So don't be surprised if it takes a few days for a new one to go up!

    I will be heading out of the country in a few days and @denisegoldberg has kindly agreed to keep an eye on the challenges while I am away (without a computer and only spotty WiFi).

  • sarasphotossarasphotos Registered Users Posts: 3,872 Major grins

    @shawnc thanks for an interesting mini, your comments, and the 3rd place. There were many great entries! Congratulations to Sherry for the win and Jo for 2nd place.

  • bfluegiebfluegie Registered Users Posts: 871 Major grins

    Thanks for a great mini @shawnc. There were some excellent examples of blue in the entries. Congrats to Sherry @slpollett for the win, and to Jo @Cavalier and Sara @sarasphotos for 2nd and 3rd. Also thanks for posting the video. As a person who studied physics and specialized in optics I found it interesting. Mother Nature is truly an amazing designer.

  • bfluegiebfluegie Registered Users Posts: 871 Major grins

    Thanks for a great mini @shawnc. There were some excellent examples of blue in the entries. Congrats to Sherry @slpollett for the win, and to Jo @Cavalier and Sara @sarasphotos for 2nd and 3rd. Also thanks for posting the video. As a person who studied physics and specialized in optics I found it interesting. Mother Nature is truly an amazing designer.

  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins

    Wowza!! I never expected any of my images to win! There were so many other wonderful shots, so I am truly honored. I wish I could remember what kind of bird I photographed, but I have never been good at making those identifications.

    I literally JUST got home from 10 days in Alaska. We were lucky enough to spend 3 nights at Brooks Lodge at Katmai National Park and also visit Kenai Fjords National Park. I took over 3000 photos with my camera and another 600=700 with my phone camera. We saw some awesome wildlife (mostly bears, but other stuff, too) and even managed a wonderful photo of a lynx!

    Let me think about a theme for a bit. I'll try to have a new theme posted tomorrow (Saturday, 9/7). Thank you again Shawn for the win and the awesome mini theme. Congrats to all the others as well. Truly some wonderful blue images shared in this mini. Thanks everyone for being patient with me as I recover from this whirlwind bucket list trip!

    Sherry P.

  • sarasphotossarasphotos Registered Users Posts: 3,872 Major grins

    @slpollett said:

    I took over 3000 photos with my camera and another 600=700 with my phone camera. We saw some awesome wildlife (mostly bears, but other stuff, too) and even managed a wonderful photo of a lynx!

    Sherry, have fun sorting and processing all of those photos! I'm still working on stuff from the last two vacations, not to mention the 7500+ family photos that I scanned in this year. Our work is never done!! :smiley:

  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins

    Oh, just for grins I looked up the name of the bird in my photo. It is called a Blue Grosbeak. Now we know. :)

    Sherry P.

  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator

    Sherry, it sounds like a fabulous trip! I am way behind on processing my photos but something to look forward to during the long winter months! :smile:

  • shawncshawnc Registered Users Posts: 723 Major grins

    Thank you to all who participated!
    I have not been very attentive to this thread,
    I have been in Colorado tending to my ailing 93 year old father.
    Please excuse my absence.

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