Why I see only one size under "Photo Protection" no matter what I picked
Why is it under Organize > Photo Protection > Max display size - and whatever sizes I choose, and when played back under my personal login website, I always see the same size. That is to say there is no diff in display size whether I set to "original" or to the smallest 0.3Mpix. Any sizes I picked in between I still see the same size. I use another computer without logging in, the 2nd computer also showed me only one size regardless whatever size I picked in the first computer.
My gallery: http://david-low.smugmug.com
How large is the original? I'm just guessing, but if the original is small the only sizes that are generated are those that support the size of the original.
From the help page at https://www.smugmughelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/18212296628884-Change-the-display-size-of-my-photos:
If that's not the cause of the problem you should contact the help desk directly.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Tks Denise,
I did resizing before and works without a hitch previously. This time I know the reason why. I "collected" some photos into another gallery named A. I resized gallery A and didn't work because I didn't resize the original gallery. I learned something.
Tks and appreciate your reply
Thanks for the explanation.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com