"Use as default for new galleries" is not working at all

I mostly do pet rescue photography so I'm not selling my photos, and yet it defaults to having the "buy this photo" sidebar appears on every gallery I make. If I go to settings, and disable the "visitor shopping cart," then click the "save as default for new galleries" it never works. I've done it a hundred times, at least, and yet I still have to do it every single time on a new gallery. - references - https://imgur.com/a/F7r0Pvr
The screen shot you posted says "owner catalog and prices". You will see the buy this photo when you are logged in.
Have you checked in a browser where you are not logged in to your SmugMug account?
If that's not the cause of the problem, I recommend you contact the help desk directly:
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thanks for your reply Denise - this just makes me wonder why would that be visible to me when I'm the owner of the photographs? That makes absolutely no sense.
It's so you can purchase prints yourself.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com