Not able to upload high resolution pictures
I have a standard account and I am trying to uplaod pictures to this gallery currently marked private .
When I upload picture it comes up with the image. When I select a big chunk but overall still less than 100 MB using the IE uploader after about 15 minutes it says error uploading and if I check the photos there is 1 pic uploaded and the other one is stuck at processing image. This happened to me yesterday too. Any help would be appreciated.
When I upload picture it comes up with the image. When I select a big chunk but overall still less than 100 MB using the IE uploader after about 15 minutes it says error uploading and if I check the photos there is 1 pic uploaded and the other one is stuck at processing image. This happened to me yesterday too. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Keg,
Standard account holders can upload 8mb files, 48 megapixels max. Here's some help pages, have you looked here?
Please holler back if you have trouble. Moving this out of the bug report thread.
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In the case the limit is 8 MB, I am definitely having problems. I have uplaoded upto 1 GB so far so I am quite sure I am not doing anything wrong in my uploading. I have a very high speed connection. This is the gallery I am having problems uploading to. As you can see If I upload one at a time its working but if i try with more files but still less than 100 MB it chokes saying errored out. Thanks for taking a look.
It's 8mb PER photo. 48 megapixels max PER photo. You can upload unlimited numbers of photos - there's truly no limits there! Please review, carefully, the two links I gave you. Try the Universal uploader. Then look at the "problems" link, and try those steps. Let us know, thanks.
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Individual files are not more than 4 MB and they are from a 7 Mega pixels camera. Hopefully this clarifies my question better. I did review the help page and it didnt look like I was doing anythign wrong.
There is NO limit on number of total megabytes on the Universal uploader. Please try that uploader, and let us know.
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I dont see anythign different in the first picture compared to others. i tried to upload the first picture by itself several times to no luck. If you want to take a look at the first picture and figure out why it couldnt uplaod it I can send it. Its in jpg format too.
It could be corrupt though.... glad you got sorted. Write the helpdesk if you wish, the Universal loader is the way to go
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I must thank you again for the great service, this was one of the reason I chose smugmug.
Could you please email it to me @ the help desk? Attn Andy
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Keg, problem solved. The file was corrupt. I opened it in PSCS2, and resaved it, and then it uploaded fine. It's in your gallery now.
All the best,
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