Ocean, Beach, People and Dogs
By ten o'clock, on Sullivan's Island, all dogs must be off the beach. These pictures were taken between 9 and 10 this morning. They were taken with my Canon Elph 100 ISO, WB sun, EC 0. No tripod, and I shot a lot. I particularly like this first one. I will put others up as I get them, but this one, hehe, I can use it without a release, can't I? Silhouettes! Older boy with his dogs: All photography by ginger.

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
These are my dogs, Katie, the Yorkie, Merry Chapel and Skye, the Corgis. They always want to be with me, and they worry a lot (probably picked it up from me), so Bill, my husband and principal dog walker, well, he can get confused when I am around. Here the Yorkie has "popped" her leash and is heading back to me, the others would like to. OK, that is my fun for the day.
All photos don't have to be serious, do they?
We met some other Corgis
One of THEIR Corgis decided to take out a pit bull, Staffordshire, or whatever, anyway, the Corgi is not dangerous and the owners were very upset.
An unexpectedly large wave
And I forgot Katie, the dog of many lives, I am embarrassed but glad she made it.
(She looks a mite upset, doesn't she, by her "walk".)
Interesting person shot, two actually, I don't know which I like best:
A house I liked, with the fence, erosion and all:
You know it takes a lot of time to clean these beaches up, smile.
My favorite shot of my Corgis. I don't know if I should clean this beach up, too, or if it is a part of the shot:
All photography by ginger, with a Canon Elph, unfortunately all daytime shots, too.
nice work.
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Usually, I have a picture from an excursion that I can put up for a Challenge, I go and I shoot that way. This time, it was just to take the dogs, but, of course I took a camera. We were later than usual, so there were more dogs, they became subjects, of course.
I hope to never leave this place. I am not quite sure how to put that to the god that pulls my strings. I prayed for years that I would not lose my church, I meant that I would not have to move away or stop going.
The church is still there, but last December the whole church changed, and I essentially lost it, in my mind. So these things need to be carefully phrased.
But I am fortunate in where I live. It took me a long time to know that. I grew up in Michigan, kind of hilly, cider mills, falling leaves, gorgeous autumns. The low country was foreign to me. I could not even photograph it, though I enjoyed others photographs, often taken from helicopters,
Thanks to this group, I am learning to photograph a place I have come to love.
But please don't tell the gods that, not until I figure out the exact wording of my request that I not lose it.
Thanks for looking,
Drop by long enough for us to photograph the creek, together.
Would you believe that my husband would not let them go up in the dunes again. I guess they are not allowed up there, but geez. I was so lucky, especially with this Elph and the time delay. You know these little cameras take their own action shots, they are never mine, lol.
So this was the one and only, and I love it! Merry Chapel looks like she is sliding.
I took some more shots this afternoon, now that it doesn't have to be dark. But the poor dogs were home in their crates. I was out anyway for a doctor appt, so went to a waterfront park downtown. Ran out of memory. Didn't take any big cards, never have needed them before with this camera.
Here is hoping they upload.
I, of course, see what I can bend, when necessary.
Since we were on the subject of Dogs... Our Shih-Tzu, Millie...
Mille and Darla...
Millie Close-up...
Darla protecting a McLaren F1...
Darla (Millie in the background in the cage)...
Cross-eyed Millie (As a pup.)
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My dogs, Bear and Shorty.