Photoshop and MacIntel

Here's a PDF from Adobe about the Creative Suite and the new MacIntel computers.
Of note is that for full compatibility with the Intel processors you're gonna have to upgrade, as CS2 will never be released in Universal Binary. Also, Version Cue does not run under Rosetta.
Of note is that for full compatibility with the Intel processors you're gonna have to upgrade, as CS2 will never be released in Universal Binary. Also, Version Cue does not run under Rosetta.
I heard today, it'll be much later this year ...
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So, did you cancel that Macbook order yet?
I'll wait. I'm in no hurry - and maybe by the time Adobe is ready with CS3 or whatever, then Apple might have a 12" MacBook.
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20" iMac G5 at Amazon for 1349...after rebate...
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Very good. It's not as if Apple has a good reputation when it comes to Rev A hardware. Best to let them work out the quirks on the first Macbooks, and then order a Rev B when CS3 is out. I must say that I had my fingers twitching to order an Intel based Macbook as well. They do look mighty fine. But common sense, AKA my wife, made me understand that I should wait as well.
April 2005
so, according to Adobe, could be anytime from May 2006 to November 2006 before CS3 is released (Adobe states a 12-18month product cycle).
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So apart from being Universal are there any rumours/ hints about new features?
So I think it will be a race between VMWare and Adobe for support of native PS on Mactel.
Tired: Amazon
Wired: Ebay:
Opps, have to take it back. That's 17" not 20". But you get the idea. The price on these is going to drop fast, especially as places like J&R in NYC or MicroCenter or Fry's find they have to dump left over inventory. Eventually, some of these will end up on ebay or something. This is like a Dutch Flower Auction and the clock has only just started to tick down.
Do I need disk warrior too?
As long as you've installed and registered Macaroni, you don't need to worry about it. It just does it, and you're fine.
Disk Warrior, yes. It does only one thing, repair your disk directory, but it does it better than anything else. You'll be glad you have it when you need it. If you run it every month or two you will greatly reduce the chances of disk corruption becoming a problem.
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