My other hobby is reefkeeping. After many attempts at getting decent shots of fast fish and failing, I have settled on photographing the more sessile members of my reef tank. Hope you can all appreciate the beautiful colors of this clam which is about 6 inches across.
I think the image would benefit from a bit of sharpening to really make some of those colorful edges crisper A couple of passes of USM @ (500, .2, 0) really bring those lines into sharp relief. This may be a bit much for your taste.
As an ex-fresh water guy and saltwater admirer (I'm too lazy) I love those colors that usually can only be seen in a salt water aquarium or in tropical oceans.
So what kind of fish in the tank?
Thanks for your interest.
What kind of fish you ask? Blurry fish!!!
Seriously, I have a large yellow tang, clownfish, yellowtail blue damsel, and an orchid dottyback. Unfortunately, I also have a large (24") green starfish which immediately eats any new fish I try to put in the tank! These four fish have been in the tank for over 5 years and all know how to evade this predatory monster.
I'll keep trying to get some decent fish photos. You would think with a $5,000 camera and a $1,400 lens, I would be able to take a picture of some fish in a tank!
Interesting observation! As you may know, corals and clams need a broad spectrum of light to grow. This tank is lit by two types of lights. The main light is a 250w metal halide bulb which is 10,000K. The secondary lights are actinic power compact bulbs which do give the blues some "pop". Even with no lights on, this clam is electric blue. Its a beauty!
My Photo gallery-
Selective Sharpening Tutorial
Making a Frame for your image (Tutorial)
Man you've got some colorful fish there I recently saw a shot somewhere of a yellow tang in a tank and it was awesome. I'll try to report back the EXIF, if I find it again I fear that with the lighting you have 1/60 might be all you can get, even using ISO1600 :uhoh You need to tranqulize your
How's about a picture of the Killer Green Starfish?
Perfect Pix
Yellow tang
Yellow tailed blue damsel
Clownfish with orchid dottyback in the background
Bubble coral
Awwww man, you had me feeling sorry for you until I saw the tang
That one is very nice The damsel is OK too, just needs some lightening and sharpening and those scales on his side will come alive. The clown is going to be tougher with those whites. Still, if it's a rainy day, you know where you can go to get some nice shots And you can shoot in your