What I Do On My Lunch Hour

Here are a few pictures that I've shot over my lunch hour. I can't really call these the result of Urban Exploration. A better description would be Urban Wanderings. Feel free to comment.:):

Lord, keep my words sweet. Someday, I may have to eat them.
#1, 4, and 5 dont do a thing for me.
[Bodies] Canon EOS 20D - Canon EOS 500
[Lenses] Sigma APO 70-200 f/2.8 - Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 - Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 - Tamron XR Di 28-75mm f/2.8 - Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
[Flash] Sigma EF500 Super DG Flash
[Tripod] Manfrotto 055 Pro Black
[Head] 484RC2, 200RC2
That's odd bokeh on that one. What lens did you use, maybe a DO?
(I really enjoyed the other shots, especially the B&W shots.)
The whole scene was very strange. That is a huge room, and the couple in the picture were the only people in it. I wanted to get across the size of the room and the incongruity of just having two people dancing in it. That's why I didn't crop it closer.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.:):
my stuff is here.....
Diffractive Optics. Canon sells at least one DO lens, a 400mm IIRC. They have odd bokeh, kind of ring-like, which isn't exactly what you have there but reminded me of it. Another one with seriously weird bokeh is Nikon's reflective lens (also a 400mm, I think). It gets this double-image kind of thing that I find kind of disturbing.
Anyway thanks for the clarification, just one more detail to add to my list of pros and cons of different lenses.
I just looked at that picture again. Now that you mention it, the bokeh does look a little different. As I said, there was a breeze, and the leaves of the tree were really moving around. I think that's what's showing up in the background. (They were moving around enough that I wondered if the picture would turn out.
1-4 are sweet in my book.
Favorite is the cyclist. Beautiful shadows and moment.
where do you live, BTW? that doesn't look like North America.
That makes sense, I could see the possibility of motion blur doing that. I think what threw me is that the berries and branch were so sharp so I wasn't thinking about motion.
I think I was so preoccupied with trying to figure out that one shot that I forgot to mention that I really loved the texture of your B&W shots, and the mood of the other color shots. Nice work, do more :-).