did you really mean 'good or bad'-
or does that mean 'just think bad and say good'-
anyway, I really do like the color one-marlof said angelic-angel in pastel-
the b/w-to me-'imho'-not bad but where do the cheeks end and the background begins--it looks like you've just barely blown the highlights at the cheeks-needs just a little texture/tone/touch of gray-
or does that mean 'just think bad and say good'-
anyway, I really do like the color one-marlof said angelic-angel in pastel-
the b/w-to me-'imho'-not bad but where do the cheeks end and the background begins--it looks like you've just barely blown the highlights at the cheeks-needs just a little texture/tone/touch of gray-
if this is just a start, you're going to be good-