I've seen quite a few really great cycling photos now where the subject of the photo was framed by the blur of the fast moving peloton. One in particular (that I can't find right now) was of a small child cheering on the other side of the street. He was perfectly in focus and exposed but all around him was the blur of the peloton roaring by. A 100% accidental success for sure, but compelling nonetheless.
I've seen quite a few really great cycling photos now where the subject of the photo was framed by the blur of the fast moving peloton. One in particular (that I can't find right now) was of a small child cheering on the other side of the street. He was perfectly in focus and exposed but all around him was the blur of the peloton roaring by. A 100% accidental success for sure, but compelling nonetheless.
That link is a really great juxtaposition.