challenge 21 comment please

jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
edited September 23, 2004 in The Dgrin Challenges
SMALL TOWN POLICE STATION AT NITE:rofl I tried to enter this in 21 at 6 am calif time but for some reason could not.That said I have never taken a night shot before in my life and this after 2 weeks is all I had.Well that and some blank screens well a lot of blanks.I did last nite level it to the left and crop it some but that one is gone some place in computer h---.I did like this one with the light going from green to yellow.Any comments on how to sharpen my shots up at night ?? tHINGS I did learn [1] use a tripod [2] how to use timer [3] find out what file to large 117.2 yours 118.3 means [4] patience [5] there is always the next challenge [6] do not trip on the d--- tripod [7] I forgot no I am only taking a pic for a contest I am not taking pic of you [8] your message is to short add one more character jwear
Jeff W



  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2004
    hi jwear,

    glad you learned some things from the exercise :D

    this pic, is compositionally challenged. i'm not engaged at all when i view it. it's also not sharp, now some nightshots you can get away with that, but not this one. if you used a tripod on this shot, then your focus was off and you may have to switch to manual focus. what camera do you use?

    congrats on trying! clap.gif
    jwear wrote:
    SMALL TOWN POLICE STATION AT NITErolleyes1.gif I tried to enter this in 21 at 6 am calif time but for some reason could not.That said I have never taken a night shot before in my life and this after 2 weeks is all I had.Well that and some blank screens well a lot of blanks.I did last nite level it to the left and crop it some but that one is gone some place in computer h---.I did like this one with the light going from green to yellow.Any comments on how to sharpen my shots up at night ?? tHINGS I did learn [1] use a tripod [2] how to use timer [3] find out what file to large 117.2 yours 118.3 means [4] patience [5] there is always the next challenge [6] do not trip on the d--- tripod [7] I forgot no I am only taking a pic for a contest I am not taking pic of you [8] your message is to short add one more character jwear
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2004
    Andy I shot it with a [d70 new] not in auto had to shoot in manual .so i tried different settings from hand held no fogus to tripod and this was the best.about the shot I know it has no vaule it was simply a shot i could set up with no peolple over and over and see my procress if i had got some better results [I had a shot ti try] i tried 5 nites . it had lights, nite and things . i have not been happy with the camera from the day i got it this is my second camera body the first was real bad focus.I will post some pics from a swim meet i was at with my son and you can see what day light and action look like those i am happier with.The shot i took with my camedia c700 were very good and again i never took a night shot before in all of my 60 years.i have no idea how i would get better focus it was from some distance and a 70 300 ed nikon that the info thank you again for the help this site has been a great ne_nau.gif jwear
    Jeff W

  • GREAPERGREAPER Registered Users Posts: 3,113 Major grins
    edited September 21, 2004
    I have a Nikon D100 which is and older model than the D70 you have. It bothers me that you are having focus trouble with your camera. It is not a typical complaint.

    I am going to ask a few questions in an effort to help.

    1) When you compose your shot does the focus lock light in the veiwfinder come in solid when you depress the shutter half way? It should focus in and out with the shutter half depressed until it gets a lock and then it should STAY there until you release the button, or depress it the rest of the way.

    2) On the front of the camera there should be a 3 position switch with the letters M-S-C on it. Which of the positions is your swith in? M is for manual. The camera will not autofocus, you can adjust focus on the lens itself, the camera will take the shot wether it is in focus or not. S is for single. The autofucus is on and will perform as described in Item 1. C is for continuos. The camera will continuously try to focus on whatever is located at the point where you have selected for the autofocus point. Default is in the center spot.

    3) Does the shot look to be in focus when you take it? The D70 has built in Diopter correction. What this means is that you can modify the focus of the veiwfinder to adjust to your vision. If this diopter is not set right for youl, it can confuse you on the focus.
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited September 22, 2004
    Greaper 1 2 3
    OK #1 yes i switch over to center spot the 4 spot thing was to hard for me .now when i af the center sq. fliks red and goes off . it does not stay on camera shoots out a little light from the rt. side and the sq. fashes one time red and holds #2 the switch on the front is af and m it is on the left [looking from vfider or behind] and next to the lens m for the nite shot #3 the diopter now that i looked at tonight and it was off i think now that is a big thing i sat in my office and in af let the camera af on something close to me and i reset it to clear on my eye to what a assume is clear to mr d70 #4 here are some pic i took all af sunday what do you think ??? this was at the diopter setting before i reset it but they are mostly action shots bowdown.gif jwear when you resize ? is there antother way but the pixel 540 by 430 ?? it seems to change the shot and not for the better there is only one to tierd to try and do the other 2 thanks for you time and help
    Jeff W

  • GREAPERGREAPER Registered Users Posts: 3,113 Major grins
    edited September 22, 2004
    jwear wrote:
    OK #1 yes i switch over to center spot the 4 spot thing was to hard for me .now when i af the center sq. fliks red and goes off . it does not stay on camera shoots out a little light from the rt. side and the sq. fashes one time red and holds

    With AF selected on the front of the camera the camera is in autofocus. When focus is acheived, in the lower left of the view finder there is a little yellow/green dot. When this dot is lit the camera believes it has acheived proper focus. When the switch is in M the camera will not try to focus and will take the shot when you depress the shutter wether it is in focus or not. The little light that flashes on the right side of the camera is the autofocus assist light. It comes on when there is not enough light available for the autofocus to work. It also could be firing if you have "red eye reduction" turned on. this light may be used to reduce red eye by causing a persons pupils to contract just before the camera flash goes off.

    If you had it in M when you took the night shot there are only a few things that could cause the lack of sharpness. Either you did not have it in focus because of a diopter problem , an eyesight problem (no offense), or because when you let go of the focus ring you moved it without knowing, or because the camera moved when you took the shot. A tripod on a stable surface and the use of a remote release or the camera's self timer should stop camera movement. The diopter can be checked by letting the camera autofocus on an object while looking through the veiwfinder. If when it locks on you think it is still out of focus adjust the diopter till it is in focus. When manually focusing check to make sure it is still in focus after you have let go of the lens.
    jwear wrote:
    #2 the switch on the front is af and m it is on the left [looking from vfider or behind] and next to the lens m for the nite shot
    jwear wrote:
    #3 the diopter now that i looked at tonight and it was off i think now that is a big thing i sat in my office and in af let the camera af on something close to me and i reset it to clear on my eye to what a assume is clear to mr d70
    I think this may solve the diopter issue.
    jwear wrote:
    #4 here are some pic i took all af sunday what do you think ??? this was at the diopter setting before i reset it but they are mostly action shots bowdown.gif
    This shot was taken before you adjusted the diopter? Or after? In autofocus or manual?

    I have looked pretty hard at this shot and cannot find any portion of it that is sharp. I really think I need the EXIF data to help figure out why. What was the aperature set at, what focus mode, what shutter speed? ETC. If you look at the image with nikon view it should list all of this info at the top of the screen. (It came with your camera)

    I wish I had access to a D70, I think then I could be more help. It is different enough from my D100 to make helping difficult.
    jwear wrote:
    when you resize ? is there antother way but the pixel 540 by 430 ?? it seems to change the shot and not for the better there is only one to tierd to try and do the other 2 thanks for you time and help

    Are you using photoshop? If so, when you want to post a pic, open it in photoshop. click on image/image size. In the window that opens make sure "constrain proportions" and "resample image" are both checked. Make sure "bicubic" is the item showing in the little drop down menu. In the upper left where it say width and height, put 600 in whichever is bigger. Where it says resolution change it to 72 pixels/inch. Click OK. Save the image as a jpes with a different name than your original file (I ussually use "name web") this should make the image small enough to upload but still look good on Dgrin.

    Anyone out there that can improve on this info feel free.
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited September 23, 2004
    You are very right In my attempts I found tripod and timer was the only way to get a clean shot trial an error the eye piece may have been the thing ? that is why i used a place i can shoot over and over [same shot] that said the pic i posted here looks better on my screen then after i resize can you help with that and then tell me what you think of the focus on that shot . I shot that in af action the camera did all the work .reason for this is I have already returned one body [d70] for focus trouble the peolple at the camera shop confirmed this .Now i wonder about the lens .Is there a set way to resize for dgrin that does not miss shape ??? thank you for your time and help jeff
    Jeff W

  • GREAPERGREAPER Registered Users Posts: 3,113 Major grins
    edited September 23, 2004
    What software are you using to edit your pictures, If I know what you are using and can find it I will give you step by step instructions, if its photoshp, read the bottom of my last post on this thread.

  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited September 23, 2004
    GREAPER wrote:
    What software are you using to edit your pictures, If I know what you are using and can find it I will give you step by step instructions, if its photoshp, read the bottom of my last post on this thread.

    jwear wrote:
    no i am not editing i used irfanview to make smaller but pics 640 x 480 will be just off to upload from the camera to nikon ? what ever that comes with camera to irfan. and to dgrin . I am in windows me and my new set up will be elements 3 and xp also ps7 i think it is someone else computer they are leaving with me for 6 m. to a year jwearne_nau.gif
    Jeff W

  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited September 23, 2004
    Nikon D70
    2004/09/14 02:17:09.1
    JPEG (8-bit) Fine
    Image Size: Large (3008 x 2000)
    Lens: 70-300mm F/4-5.6 D
    Focal Length: 300mm
    Digital Vari-Program: Sports
    Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern
    1/500 sec - F/5.6
    Exposure Comp.: 0 EV
    Sensitivity: ISO 200
    Optimize Image:
    White Balance: Auto
    AF Mode: AF-C
    Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached
    Color Mode: Mode Ia (sRGB)
    Tone Comp: Auto
    Hue Adjustment: 0°
    Saturation: Normal
    Sharpening: Auto
    Image Comment:
    Noise Reduction: OFF GREAPER I am sorry I did not read the hole reply I went to a play with my son and am was beat I would gladly send you the d70 i have never been as unhappy with a camera like i said this is the second body may be i should try the small lens and see if this could be lens now and not body the pic are no sharp is the only thing a can say i will try one more for you to see this is 500 x 340 orgi. 800 x 599 i have no idea if this is good or bad . A ? If I email you one would that be better ? this setting i never made a change all day was the one from the first pic no lens change just point and shoot thanks for your time jeff
    Jeff W

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