I like it Ginger; that's The Battery, right? At least I think that's what it was called...
I see a bit of chromatic aberration there on the tree trunk and the light pole; I get a lot of that myself so I'm curious how the experts might suggest you deal with it. Other than that, it's a nice serene scene.
I like it Ginger; that's The Battery, right? At least I think that's what it was called...
I see a bit of chromatic aberration there on the tree trunk and the light pole; I get a lot of that myself so I'm curious how the experts might suggest you deal with it. Other than that, it's a nice serene scene.
Never can tell here, it might be green all over, smile. That is a new park called the, so obvious, the Waterfront Park, or Riley's Folly, depending on which side of Mayor Riley you are on. It is closer to the market and all, so a lot of people go there. I haven't gone much before, but I think it is good for people pictures. The people are nice, too.
I did not talk to that older gentleman, probably younger than I am, smile again, but I did not have to talk to him, he was somewhere in his thoughts, so I "shot" him and left him alone.
The couple I posted and called "together", I asked their permission, they posed for me and all. My guess is that the shot I like is the one before I asked when I was walking up to them, they are not posing, yet. It just looks happier. They are both such good looking people. Then there was a couple on their honeymoon. A dog in a fountain, and a man with a little boy watching the dog. It is a happy place to go, I just don't like "new" with my Charleston.
I parked easily, etc. I left about 5:30, a lot of people were arriving. My dogs were in crates at home, I needed to be here, just as I needed to shoot earlier.
But no that is not the battery, I have not been there to shoot yet, am thinking about it. It can be more difficult for me to get good shots there, don't know why.
David, I believe in it, but more as it is. Now what would you bring out in PS, levels or curves, it has been one place or the other.
I suppose I was sharp last night because the one I really believed in as an entry, no one commented on. "no one" still is the only (non) comment. And this one was getting all the attention with, well, posting it did a job for me.
If it had been jumped on as a really good shot, it would have stayed in the contention spot in my mind.
Something that needs a lot of work, well, I have been there, done that and am a little "raw" from it.
I will be posting more. I just did post one, and that one I believe in, too. It is Closer Together. I would really appreciate comments on it.
Simple work I will do, a color shift, etc. But that other shot was flat, I almost didn't post it, but I wanted to post one as together, so wanted to post one as alone.
I meant to apologize to you and all I might have been sharp with anyway, this morning.
And if anyone has any suggestions for high noon shooting, I have a doctor's appt for a bone density scan at 11:00, and I will be out downtown, etc.
ginger (I will be getting a burger down there, great shack for burgers)
I believe, someone shoots something down, my belief becomes more personal, and I no longer think of posting it in the Challenge, if I have others.
Does no one like Together? If I was too far away, how about checking out Closer Together, please.
Yesterday was a day when people just seemed to be "together". Alone was difficult to find..................I considered, and joked out loud, about taking a picture of myself.
I just got home and have not looked at all of the posts so far, but of the 4 or 5 of yours I have seens, this one conveys alone (to me) better than the rest of the alone shots.
I did a quick B n W conversion, upped the contast a touch and increased the selective color/black a little to give it some more pop. Just a thought, I hope you dont mind.
I just got home and have not looked at all of the posts so far, but of the 4 or 5 of yours I have seens, this one conveys alone (to me) better than the rest of the alone shots.
I did a quick B n W conversion, upped the contast a touch and increased the selective color/black a little to give it some more pop. Just a thought, I hope you dont mind.
Greaps, I don't mind at all. I really from all I have read did not think that was a black and white shot. But it looks good to me.
Can I just have it, or do I have to work it up myself?
You converted in Channels?? Upped the contrast, think I can do that.
Increased the selective color black a little: I have been playing with the selective colors, but have no idea what I am doing. By saying that, do you mean that you put it on black, then upped the slidder at the bottom???
If you could just tell me that much, maybe I could try doing what you did.
I just finished some stuff from this noon, yes, you all, bright sun! I hadda, that is when I was there.
And I went to the BATTERY! Actually White Point Gardens, not gardens. But I did not do the whole Battery, so some will come at another time.
I do have a question, there were bikers, after I was through, I drove past them. A man and a woman, I did check that much, they were making out quite heavily, I mean still standing, but in a heavy clutch. I kept thinking I should go back, was trying to figure out how to ask bikers if I could take a shot of them in mad embrace. Then I just thought, good gosh, and I let it go. They were Together!
Someone would like to know that. I came up with a fisherman (he hated me, good thing I couldn't hear what he was saying), and a loner, another loner, and a boy........ well, I will wait to let you all see the boy. They let me play, too. (Some I converted to black and white, so I would have them both ways, I used the contrasty shots: that is what the book told me to do. So I would like feedback.)
I am going to post very soon, so please, Greaper look for these new ones, too. And please give me a bit more info from my questions. I am surprised, really did not give that shot much of the time of day................I do post like that sometimes, just look around, say "what the hey", and I post it, not thinking much about it. Don't anyone tell Andy, but my winning sand and fence was one of those.............. so it does behoove me to post.
You can have it Ginger if you like it but it would be better to do it to your original since I just used the large image from the site.
I used the virtual photographer plugin to change it to a black and white.
then I went to Image/adjust/selective color.
- I changed the color tab at the top to black and slid the black slider to the right a little, 5 or 6 maybe?
then I went to image/adjust/brightness-contrast
-I increased the contrast by about 5.
You can have it Ginger if you like it but it would be better to do it to your original since I just used the large image from the site.
I used the virtual photographer plugin to change it to a black and white.
then I went to Image/adjust/selective color.
- I changed the color tab at the top to black and slid the black slider to the right a little, 5 or 6 maybe?
then I went to image/adjust/brightness-contrast
-I increased the contrast by about 5.
Thanks, Greaper, I just printed out the instructions, will do it.
I see a bit of chromatic aberration there on the tree trunk and the light pole; I get a lot of that myself so I'm curious how the experts might suggest you deal with it. Other than that, it's a nice serene scene.
A lot of potential in this shot. Needs some curves/levels work, or maybe a b/w conversion? Looks flat as is.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I did not talk to that older gentleman, probably younger than I am, smile again, but I did not have to talk to him, he was somewhere in his thoughts, so I "shot" him and left him alone.
The couple I posted and called "together", I asked their permission, they posed for me and all. My guess is that the shot I like is the one before I asked when I was walking up to them, they are not posing, yet. It just looks happier. They are both such good looking people. Then there was a couple on their honeymoon. A dog in a fountain, and a man with a little boy watching the dog. It is a happy place to go, I just don't like "new" with my Charleston.
I parked easily, etc. I left about 5:30, a lot of people were arriving. My dogs were in crates at home, I needed to be here, just as I needed to shoot earlier.
But no that is not the battery, I have not been there to shoot yet, am thinking about it. It can be more difficult for me to get good shots there, don't know why.
But thanks for the advice, the whole scene with him was very flat, I am not going into curves and change it. On the other hand, it won't be my entry.
Flat shots like that, I don't think that would convert well.
If you don't believe in it, then why post it?
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I suppose I was sharp last night because the one I really believed in as an entry, no one commented on. "no one" still is the only (non) comment. And this one was getting all the attention with, well, posting it did a job for me.
If it had been jumped on as a really good shot, it would have stayed in the contention spot in my mind.
Something that needs a lot of work, well, I have been there, done that and am a little "raw" from it.
I will be posting more. I just did post one, and that one I believe in, too. It is Closer Together. I would really appreciate comments on it.
Simple work I will do, a color shift, etc. But that other shot was flat, I almost didn't post it, but I wanted to post one as together, so wanted to post one as alone.
I meant to apologize to you and all I might have been sharp with anyway, this morning.
And if anyone has any suggestions for high noon shooting, I have a doctor's appt for a bone density scan at 11:00, and I will be out downtown, etc.
ginger (I will be getting a burger down there, great shack for burgers)
I believe, someone shoots something down, my belief becomes more personal, and I no longer think of posting it in the Challenge, if I have others.
Does no one like Together? If I was too far away, how about checking out Closer Together, please.
Yesterday was a day when people just seemed to be "together". Alone was difficult to find..................I considered, and joked out loud, about taking a picture of myself.
ginger again
I just got home and have not looked at all of the posts so far, but of the 4 or 5 of yours I have seens, this one conveys alone (to me) better than the rest of the alone shots.
I did a quick B n W conversion, upped the contast a touch and increased the selective color/black a little to give it some more pop. Just a thought, I hope you dont mind.
Greaps, I don't mind at all. I really from all I have read did not think that was a black and white shot. But it looks good to me.
Can I just have it, or do I have to work it up myself?
You converted in Channels?? Upped the contrast, think I can do that.
Increased the selective color black a little: I have been playing with the selective colors, but have no idea what I am doing. By saying that, do you mean that you put it on black, then upped the slidder at the bottom???
If you could just tell me that much, maybe I could try doing what you did.
I just finished some stuff from this noon, yes, you all, bright sun! I hadda, that is when I was there.
And I went to the BATTERY! Actually White Point Gardens, not gardens. But I did not do the whole Battery, so some will come at another time.
I do have a question, there were bikers, after I was through, I drove past them. A man and a woman, I did check that much, they were making out quite heavily, I mean still standing, but in a heavy clutch. I kept thinking I should go back, was trying to figure out how to ask bikers if I could take a shot of them in mad embrace. Then I just thought, good gosh, and I let it go. They were Together!
Someone would like to know that. I came up with a fisherman (he hated me, good thing I couldn't hear what he was saying), and a loner, another loner, and a boy........ well, I will wait to let you all see the boy. They let me play, too. (Some I converted to black and white, so I would have them both ways, I used the contrasty shots: that is what the book told me to do. So I would like feedback.)
I am going to post very soon, so please, Greaper look for these new ones, too. And please give me a bit more info from my questions. I am surprised, really did not give that shot much of the time of day................I do post like that sometimes, just look around, say "what the hey", and I post it, not thinking much about it. Don't anyone tell Andy, but my winning sand and fence was one of those.............. so it does behoove me to post.
Thanks Greaper
I used the virtual photographer plugin to change it to a black and white.
then I went to Image/adjust/selective color.
- I changed the color tab at the top to black and slid the black slider to the right a little, 5 or 6 maybe?
then I went to image/adjust/brightness-contrast
-I increased the contrast by about 5.