Wow...that's quite a shot you got there! I think I'm seeing a little bluriness around the top of the building but I'm not completely sure.
I think you are correct. It is so hard taking pictures out the window in the sun and getting a perfect shot. We were also moving at about 180 mph. Can I use photo shop to fix that? I touched it up the best I could with Arcsoft Photostudio but I think I may need some better software. Suggestions please!
I think you are correct. It is so hard taking pictures out the window in the sun and getting a perfect shot. We were also moving at about 180 mph. Can I use photo shop to fix that? I touched it up the best I could with Arcsoft Photostudio but I think I may need some better software. Suggestions please!
Photoshop can't really fix a blur like that. Only subtle ones via it's Unsharp Mask. If this was a shot from a plane, then that's a great stunt you pulled off there. 180mph sure ain't easy!
As for recommendations, all you really need is Photoshop CS and to get acquainted with it a bit. But it's expensive. If this is more of a hobby, you may just want to get a copy of Photoshop Elements. It's basically a washed down version of Photoshop CS but many swear it's all they need. Photoshop Elements ships with a lot of hardware out there so you may want to see if any of your friends may have a copy lying around
Canon Digital Rebel | Canon EOS 35mm | Yashica Electro GSN | Fed5B | Holga 35 MF
Here are a couple more shots I took yesterday. Maybe everybody thinks another would be better.
Just so you know if you ever want to see this for no extra cost ask the pilots on the flight deck if they will do the Scenic Falls departure or arrival going into or out of Buffalo. Actually I was told by an air traffic controller a few years back that there was a 747 that while doing a transcontinental flight dropped down to 4,000 feet and did a quick 360 for the passengers (probably for themselves). Then they climbed back up to 41,000 feet and continued on there way. I bet that was a nice fuel bill.:D
I worked on this shot along time. I think I might have sharpened it too much.
I can post the originals if other people would like to try and work there magic. I don't have a very good progam and am very new to photo editing.
Not knowing what I was doing I think I submitted a picture too soon. I think this may be a better picture for togetther instead of the alone shot. What do you all think?
Not knowing what I was doing I think I submitted a picture too soon. I think this may be a better picture for togetther instead of the alone shot. What do you all think?
Or maybe this one for alone again.
Welcome to the dgrin challenge 22.
I prefer the composition of the first image, but I wonder why you converted it to B&W? What does B&W bring to this image that the color did not? It is a nice graphical composition.
The reflection is very nice but I would prefer to see a little of the Arch to anchor the reflection better. The reflection exhibits nice tonality and color. The upside down presentation of the reflection is confusing to me initially - maybe I am easily confused these days tho
I just thought everybody seems to like black and white. I personally liked the color better but I thought maybe black and white captures something my eye doesn't see yet. If everybody likes the color original here it is.
WOW...phenominal shots of the falls! As for the Arch; although I love b&w, I like this shot better in color. I think it does more for it. That's just my opinion though...
Very nice! Rich...
I don't think I've noticed your name before... So if you're "new" here, "WELCOME..." If I've just missed you some how... Hi?
Just read through the entire thread and wanted to offer my wee feedback...
Love this one! Wish it had a little bit more of headroom, but really just a smidgen! Great color, and I like the composition. Like that you still have good detail in the shadows of the trees in the reflection on the lake.
Very nicely done. ginette
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
I just thought everybody seems to like black and white. I personally liked the color better but I thought maybe black and white captures something my eye doesn't see yet. If everybody likes the color original here it is.
Thanks for the advice.
Color is definitely the way to go with this image. Your B&W conversion was excellent and a nice graphical image but the blues and greens of the color version are superior to B&W.
If it was me I would probably darken in the grass in the lower left foreground just a bit so as to call less attention to it.
Personally, I would go with the arch.... It's just so well done compositionally... and everything just seems right with it...
This one is nice, and does look improved... but the perspective IMHO still needs correction in the "needle" building, as it is really leaning to the right,... And while the falls are awesome from this view, I just sort of feel that the building being there period and the tilt, detract from the posibility of the photo... Not that there was anything you could do to change the fact that an "ugly" building was built so close to the falls... "What were they thinking? Building something like that to take away from our photographic view...?"
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
I think this image looks better now without the blurry building. So would this be the best photo for alone or is the arch better?
Hi Rich
I like this one best of all your passes on it. I agree with Altie, the building unforunately detracts from the overall shot. If only there were some way to remove it. Without the building, it' s stunning. But isn't that always the way?
I prefer the arch, still, Hands Down... But that is me... Although I must admit, this is improved, but now it seems cramped...
I suggest you put both photos up on your screen, side by side, so that you can see which photo makes the best visual impact.
The image of the falls is better now in terms of composition, but on my lousy monitor at work it seems like the highlights might be blown out - someone else might commnent on this, but even though the image of Niagra is better, like ginette, I still prefer ...
The peaceful colors and the nice tonality and composition are just hard to beat.
Yet another idea
Thank you for your advice and recommendations thus far. I have one more photo I took two days ago that really made me feel alone. Tell me what you think.
Thank you for your advice and recommendations thus far. I have one more photo I took two days ago that really made me feel alone. Tell me what you think.
By the way I appreciate all the feedback.
Very nice clouds... but I still think I prefer the arch...
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Thank you for your advice and recommendations thus far. I have one more photo I took two days ago that really made me feel alone. Tell me what you think.
By the way I appreciate all the feedback.
Very Lovely picture of clouds and technically well executed. - I would enjoy it on my wall - I am sure pilots would love it - I just do not connect the image with "Alone" or "Together"
I agree it is definitely stretching alone a bit to far. I guess it is more of a feeling I had when I took that shot.
It was early morning (we had left Fayetville, Arkansas at about 6:00 am) and the sun had just come up when we started are descent into Houston. It felt like there was nobody around. The radio was silent we were not talking in the cockpit and it was very peaceful, yet lonely.
As for recommendations, all you really need is Photoshop CS and to get acquainted with it a bit. But it's expensive. If this is more of a hobby, you may just want to get a copy of Photoshop Elements. It's basically a washed down version of Photoshop CS but many swear it's all they need. Photoshop Elements ships with a lot of hardware out there so you may want to see if any of your friends may have a copy lying around
I wouldn't worry about the building too much, it is secondary. The subject is what is important here, and that is huge in this shot.
Just so you know if you ever want to see this for no extra cost ask the pilots on the flight deck if they will do the Scenic Falls departure or arrival going into or out of Buffalo. Actually I was told by an air traffic controller a few years back that there was a 747 that while doing a transcontinental flight dropped down to 4,000 feet and did a quick 360 for the passengers (probably for themselves). Then they climbed back up to 41,000 feet and continued on there way. I bet that was a nice fuel bill.:D
I worked on this shot along time. I think I might have sharpened it too much.
I can post the originals if other people would like to try and work there magic. I don't have a very good progam and am very new to photo editing.
Or maybe this one for alone again.
I prefer the composition of the first image, but I wonder why you converted it to B&W? What does B&W bring to this image that the color did not? It is a nice graphical composition.
The reflection is very nice but I would prefer to see a little of the Arch to anchor the reflection better. The reflection exhibits nice tonality and color. The upside down presentation of the reflection is confusing to me initially - maybe I am easily confused these days tho
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thanks for the advice.
I touched up the photo the best I could. Let me know what you think.
I don't think I've noticed your name before... So if you're "new" here, "WELCOME..." If I've just missed you some how... Hi?
Just read through the entire thread and wanted to offer my wee feedback...
Love this one! Wish it had a little bit more of headroom, but really just a smidgen! Great color, and I like the composition. Like that you still have good detail in the shadows of the trees in the reflection on the lake.
Very nicely done.
If it was me I would probably darken in the grass in the lower left foreground just a bit so as to call less attention to it.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Personally, I would go with the arch.... It's just so well done compositionally... and everything just seems right with it...
This one is nice, and does look improved... but the perspective IMHO still needs correction in the "needle" building, as it is really leaning to the right,... And while the falls are awesome from this view, I just sort of feel that the building being there period and the tilt, detract from the posibility of the photo... Not that there was anything you could do to change the fact that an "ugly" building was built so close to the falls... "What were they thinking? Building something like that to take away from our photographic view...?"
Hi Rich
I like this one best of all your passes on it. I agree with Altie, the building unforunately detracts from the overall shot. If only there were some way to remove it. Without the building, it' s stunning. But isn't that always the way?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I prefer the arch, still, Hands Down... But that is me... Although I must admit, this is improved, but now it seems cramped...
I suggest you put both photos up on your screen, side by side, so that you can see which photo makes the best visual impact.
The image of the falls is better now in terms of composition, but on my lousy monitor at work it seems like the highlights might be blown out - someone else might commnent on this, but even though the image of Niagra is better, like ginette, I still prefer ...
The peaceful colors and the nice tonality and composition are just hard to beat.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thank you for your advice and recommendations thus far. I have one more photo I took two days ago that really made me feel alone. Tell me what you think.
By the way I appreciate all the feedback.
I agree that the arch is technically much better. But this is kinda cool!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Very nice clouds... but I still think I prefer the arch...
Very Lovely picture of clouds and technically well executed. - I would enjoy it on my wall - I am sure pilots would love it - I just do not connect the image with "Alone" or "Together"
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
It was early morning (we had left Fayetville, Arkansas at about 6:00 am) and the sun had just come up when we started are descent into Houston. It felt like there was nobody around. The radio was silent we were not talking in the cockpit and it was very peaceful, yet lonely.
I guess you had to be there.:D