Any Wordpress junkies here?

I took on a new voulanteer project today to help out a online community that has provided me with endless hours of entertainment. This project is to create a new skin for their wordpress website..... Just got wordpress installed if anyone has an idea of how it works let me know please.
Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
It is pretty simple to install.
I have hosting with my speakeasy account.
I ftp-ed the zip file over to my Unix shell-account.
I unzipped the zip file in a new directory.
Then you have to change a configuration file to provide your log-on information for your MySQL database (the read-me of the wordpress installation tells you all about it).
Then i ran the setup script (all is in PHP).
That was all.
From this i could logon as 'admin' and use the admin-screens to configure my wordpress installation.
And it has been working great. The only slowness i experienced was when enabling 'pings' to new posts... pinging the ping-back services can be quite sluggish.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
I selected the default theme and started editing the PHP files (to add some HTML and some other PHP code, move PHP/HTML around), but mostly it is editing the stylesheet. This is how i created my blog-style. But it is not really different from the default style.
You can do this from within the admin pages of WordPress or by just telnetting over to your account and editing the CSS file directly (when using the admin-pages of WordPress, make the access right to your stylesheet-file are ok).
I mostly use FireFox 1.5 with the Web Developer Extension for editing my stylesheet. If it starts to look good in FireFox, i move the changed CSS from the FireFox CSS-editor to the admin-page of WordPress that allows you to change the stylesheet. Hit Save, refresh your main blog-page and look at the results.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"