Deal: Sandisk memory $$$ drops - Calumet, B&H

Calumet Photo has a great sale on Sandisk memory.
Search for Sandisk, both CF and SD.
I bought a 2GB Ultra II for $94.99. Some sizes are out of stock. I don't know how they handle out of stock issues (concerning the sale price), but I have dealt with them before and they are a very good company to deal with. You can always place the order over the phone and they will locate items in their stores if it is not in the warehouse. :thumb
(800) 225-8638
or check their Retail Stores
Search for Sandisk, both CF and SD.
I bought a 2GB Ultra II for $94.99. Some sizes are out of stock. I don't know how they handle out of stock issues (concerning the sale price), but I have dealt with them before and they are a very good company to deal with. You can always place the order over the phone and they will locate items in their stores if it is not in the warehouse. :thumb
(800) 225-8638
or check their Retail Stores
What a bargain. A 4gb Ultra III for $219! I got one. Thanks for the tip!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
my stuff
Must be the reason they're moving...cut down on expenses
Seriously, they're across the street from us and just busting at the seams.
Glad to hear they're lowering the price for cards too.
Perhaps this will get me onto the train to finally check out Calumet's large store in downtown Chicago. Or I could drive up to Bensenville and while I'm at it stop in at LifeGem for that brochure that Gus wants me to send him.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Word up.
Just today, B&H cut some CF card prices in half. Not a sale. Sandisk announced a 30% reduction across the board about a week ago, but this is more than 30%.
Sunday's price on Sandisk 2GB Ultra II.... $179.95
Monday's price on same Sandisk card........$89.95 Wow!
Like an idiot, I bought the 2GB a few weeks ago.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I wish 0zzies could buy from them via visa card over the net :cry I would buy everything there & still save money after it was shipped.
I didn't know that. But the prices are going down everywhere. Calumet did the same pricing a few days ago. They originally had a "SALE" tag over the price, but now the tag is gone. Looks like the deals reflect the new price structure.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
(these are killer deals - I thought I scored a great deal a few weeks ago when I snagged a new in box 2gb card from friend who didn't neet it for $120) (motorsports)
Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72
Well Lexar has 1gb for $99, with a $30 mail in rebate. I just got one Sunday, I wish I had seen this thread first.
20D :clap
85 1.8 :wink
28-75 2.8
70-300 DG APO Macro
30 1.4:thumb
From whence did you get your lexar..and did they have great prices on the 2gb and up.....1gb is just too small for me as I sometimes bracket.....
my stuff
according to amazon it ships from adorama. wonder if they have the same price on their site.....surfing.......
my stuff
me, too, Laurie.
I have not decided whether to cancel the order as it ties up 100.00
ginger (I asked, they said everyone is out. Maybe if we got an unpopular size...........but I don't want to pay more, even if I were to get more memory.)
my stuff
Not everyone is out. BH has them it seems. Still, I'm not buying because I feel like they might have something great waiting for us at PMA.
My guess would be higher capacity, faster speed along with some introductory prices that nobody sane would pay for just yet. Same thing every year.
But while faster speed cards may seem enticing, remember, your camera has hardware and firmware that limits write and read speeds. An example is the Canon 20D which can use the 70-75x speed CF's (like the Sandisk Ultra II), but faster cards don't help - they only cost more money. The 133x and 150x cards don't perform better in a 20D -- in fact, there's evidence to the contrary. Rob Galgraith's CF speed test data, along with Phil Askey's support that.
Future cams will no doubt be able to manage the speed of faster cards.
A 4GB card at $190US is a good deal now, and will be a better deal later on I'll bet. Just buy a card that makes sense. Don't buy into hype.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I thought that also until i tried to give them several thou for lenses. I am now very used to dealing with asia & quite comfortable in doing so. Lesson in marketing B&H.
I've heard it said many times that the best way to buy electronics, especially anything computer related, is to figure out what you need right now and buy only that. Don't get caught up in the next best thing since sliced bread.
Following this practice is the best way to maximize your buying power over the long run. As most folks know, hype is just some marketer's way of trying to seperate people from their money sooner and more quickly.
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Gus, try contacting Calumet Photo, they have stores in Europe, so maybe they would be better sending orders to you. I have called here in the US and on some items they will price match with B+H. It never hurts to ask. They have always been very customer service oriented when I call. They want your business.
Another Calumet tip, if the item is out of stock in the warehouse call them, if it is available in a store, they will ship it from the store. A friend of mine found a 4GB card that way.