black or white colors?
Correct me if im wrong here, but im pretty sure i remember when i could make my entire smugmug site different colors. I love the "themes" option now, but i have certain galleries that i wanted to be white instead of the black stlye. The only time i can seem to make that "color" dropdown box to appear is when im in the help section. Can anyone let me know whats going on here? Is this a feature thats been disabled or something that i have to *gasp* manually change through the code now?
My site is
sorry for not putting it earlier. I have changed my radio button for background color inside of "customize" in the control panel to "viewer controlled" and also to "light" and it does nothing to my page at all. Its set to viewer controlled now, but i cant change it when i log out and view my page. Is there something im doing wrong here? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
What galleries do you want to force a white style in? You might consider having a theme for this.
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I actually would like to have my entire site in a white theme. Am i wrong in remembering when i could do this awhile back?? Is this something I would manually have todo myself with css now? Perhaps we could start a thread where people post different css themes that they made and we can use them if we want? I dont know css and honestly dont think i have the time to start customizing like that. Im more of a point and click kinda customizer
Control Panel, customize, and up top on that screen, choose "white" go to the bottom, click update, and your done. Oh be sure your themes are all set for "default"
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Ive done that and it doesnt do anything to my site. The options are "light" or "dark" and "viewer controlled", but my site does nothing when i change the radio buttons. The preview button shows the same thing each time i change it. Also ive tried changing it inside of IE and firefox just in case it was a browser issue. Its set to light right now, but my pages are still black so im not sure what else todo
Sorry its fixed, i realize what it was now. I had set a # of galleries to classic theme instead of default
thanks for the help