*Challenge 22: The house stands alone

This is actually why I was at that park. A woman asked me to take a picture of the fountain and her in laws condominium together, I didn't even know if she wanted it anymore. Just staking it out, as it was into the sun.
I actually think it might say something, but I don't think I know much anymore.
ginger please comment. On everything. I will be gone some of the day, so this will not go on forever. This posting, I mean. I would take off my non contenders, to free up space for others, but I can't do that.
I actually think it might say something, but I don't think I know much anymore.
ginger please comment. On everything. I will be gone some of the day, so this will not go on forever. This posting, I mean. I would take off my non contenders, to free up space for others, but I can't do that.

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
a suggestion: try to separate yourself from your photographs as you are culling them down each day. as you look for keepers, can you imagine the photo in a book for sale? a collection of charleston's fine homes? a calendar?
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On this one, I'm having trouble... Which is to be the subject here... The "garden landscaping," or the "House?" The title leads me to believe that the house is to be the main focus, yet with so much importance placed on the garden, it really seems like the garden is the subject, but then the angle doesn't really "show" much of it... Then the house falls rather into the background, minimized both by it's relative size with regard to the garden and the beautiful coloring in the garden, which overpowers the house again..?
Keep at keepin' at it...
At least you're posting something...