FOUND: Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro lens

need to buy in the next few days or I will make a decision to buy at BH or buy a filter instead.
I would consider one of the other brands. On BH, they cost more, and I am concerned that they wouldn't hold their value as well. Besides I am dealing with limited funds.
I would consider one of the other brands. On BH, they cost more, and I am concerned that they wouldn't hold their value as well. Besides I am dealing with limited funds.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Dunno I paid $280 for a Sigma 105 Macro 2nd hand!
LNIB with ALL the and the case.
Super nice lens BTW!!
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
Where did you find it, Graphy?
I have looked here and FM, have seen nothing, very little actually.
What'd ya get??
Ooooffff $469 is outta my range.
I'm REALLY on limited funds so 2nd hand like new is the only way I can go.
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
It hurt me, graphy, it hurt! I got the Canon 100 f2.8 macro. I am figuring the darn lens had better hold its value. I have put all smaller purchases on hold for this one purchase. The price on this lens was just all over the place: 600.00 some places and one place was about 10.00 cheaper than B&H, but everything else they had was more.
I went down pages and pages of FM, one macro lens and it was sold.
Now, if anyone wants to sell me a used clothes dryer for under 200.00, well, that is my limit there.
You really got a good price on yours graphy, where did you get it? When?
I do not go to Ebay, I never have so I am afraid of it. My choices were coming down to the lens or a filter (almost 150.00 with shipping and all). I thought why not pay the difference and get what I really want. And I do think that lens will hold its value.
One thing I put on a back burner is a belt to hold extra lens cases, etc. No way can I get my lenses all in my backpack, and the ones I have in there now have exceeded a weight that I can "carry" for any length of time.
(The filter would have been good there and for that reason aside from money.)
But if I am going to take a macro photo, I want to take as good a one as I can. Macro is not really my thing, but on the way to the rookery where I go, there are all these bugs. Looking at them through a lens, they are so cute!!!! Make me smile they do. Now I really don't like many of the photos I see of them, but I would like to take photos of some of these small friends of mine. They tilt their heads this and that way. Also, I do like butterflys. And I like abstracts. I am hoping .......
And waiting to see what would pop up cheaper, that was not going to work for me.
So, I bought the big thing I would not have been able to get down the line, and I post poned all the smaller things that I hope I can get with time.
Piece by piece.