couple ideas for colors two...

Tell me what you think...


Can you guess what it is?


Can you guess what it is?
Love to dream, and dream in color.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
This summer's wilderness photography project:
is it a water slide?
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
my stuff
Is it a plastic slide on a playground?
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I like the feel of the red in the 1st, but the yellow part is just there... Is there any way to make it more part of the picture - to have it contribute more than the 2nd color?
I'm looking forwards to seeing what else you can get - this looks like a fun way for a grown-up to keep playing on the playground:D
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Yes, it's a slide on a playground. I've been carrying my camera everywhere I go looking for two colors (harder than I originally thought!), and I spotted this bright red slide across the river while driving (bad habit) and I did a u turn to see if it would work.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
I don't think I can make the yellow any different - but I'll try. The yellow is from a narrow poll supporting the slide. thanks for your input! back to the playground!
This summer's wilderness photography project:
I love the angle of the red but if you could find a different way to shoot the yellow it would look GREAT! Can't wait to see what your re-shoot brings!
the yellow does look like it needs to be cropped out, but then there'd only be one colour so it defeats the purpose. So...i was wondering how it would look on a rainy day with water sitting on the slide and on the yellow part.
Failing rain, take a water spritzer ( and a towel of course so the moms' won't get peeved you've wet the slide)
Just an idea.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
I've been searching for the thread on the terms and conditions of this contest...what was the prize? ha ha ha
Some of My Photos:
I contest this decision!!!!
I clearly stated first that it is a slide and since there is undoubtedly water evident in the picture I should be declared winner by default. I will accept nothing less. I shall fight this all the way to the supreme court!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Here is the offical site:
It clearly states: "...all decisions are final and cannot be contested; especially by Angelo."
Check it out for yourself. Just give me a couple of days to get the URL purchased and the site created.
Still currious about the prize though...
Some of My Photos:
I forwarded the evidence to a lab in New Mexico and after much scrutiny, they determined that it wasn't water on the slide - the substance they identified was 'ice'. Sorry Angelo, you're s.o.l. No contest!
This summer's wilderness photography project:
So I have to deliver a's a cheer for you:
Yay Steve, he won the prize,
he's now the envy of all the guys.
rah, rah, shish boom bangelo,
you're the man, you beat angelo.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
ring, ring, Hello Professor? Would you please advise Tessa what substance makes up ice? Yes, ice. You know, just like those little cubes in the plastic tray in your freezer that you plop in your scotch every night; ICE. Please tell her what ice is made of.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
ring, ring, Hello, Homeland Security......
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
yay angelo, wants to win too,
give him a prize or he'll boo-hoo.
pat him on the back or he'll be leavin'
can't stand losin' to the other guy, Steven.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
Uhmmmm...I just remembered that I should be disqualified due to a small technicality. Wierdest rule I've ever heard about but it states that if you brush your teeth before you drink orange juice the day of the contest that you are only qualified to win second place.
Angelo...guess you get 1st!! Does that mean we aren't going to court now and your call to Homeland security will be withdrawn?
Tessa, doesn't second get a discount on a giclee print or something like that?
P.s. Angelo and Tessa, thanks for the good laughs today, it was a good day for them.
Some of My Photos:
Am I beating a dead horse here, or do you think there is some potential - be honest! Thank you!
This summer's wilderness photography project:
for what it's worth - I like it better. It's still very abstract, but there is more to the slide with a greater range of colors, shadows and light and more interest; the yellow has some variations in it now and so, imo, adds more. I also think it is one of the more colorful "colors two" of the challenge entries and definately fits the theme.
nice reshoot
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
I'm going to keep looking this week, in case I find something I like better.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
likewise. this was fun.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots