For those of you who run vBulletin (including, obviously, Andy with this site) I'm wondering what you like/dislike about running & modifying the software.
The reason I ask is I'm going to be setting up a forum shortly, and right now I'm leaning towards phpBB. I'm thinking that vBulletin might have a better interface...
Any feedback on either?
The reason I ask is I'm going to be setting up a forum shortly, and right now I'm leaning towards phpBB. I'm thinking that vBulletin might have a better interface...
Any feedback on either?
It's been a couple years since I've compared them, but generally we're pretty happy with the choice. vBulletin has a big community of developers who write plugins which can be pretty useful, and there are a lot of knowledgeable users.
Having said that, their database structure sucks and the scalability is nothing like it could be if they learned more about how to build efficient queries. When the site gets big, you have to jump through hoops to get performance.