The Big Stupid Movie Talk Thread

Honey and I just back from "Goodnight and Good Luck," the brilliant story of Edward R. Murrow taking on Joe McCarthey, and making a statement on how the media can, should, and will affect society.
David Strathairn was brilliant as Edward R. Murrow. George Clooney, Robert Downey, Frank Langella, Jeff Daniels, Patricia Clarkson, they were all amazing.
The music by Diane Reeves, as the 50s Jazz Singer, was outstanding.
It's no wonder this is up for a mess of Oscars, including the Actors, but also in Best Cinematography and Art Direction. It was stunning. Shot on Color film, on a "greyscale set" and converted in post. I love that. The toning on the film was tasty, really.
I felt like I was there.
David Strathairn was brilliant as Edward R. Murrow. George Clooney, Robert Downey, Frank Langella, Jeff Daniels, Patricia Clarkson, they were all amazing.
The music by Diane Reeves, as the 50s Jazz Singer, was outstanding.
It's no wonder this is up for a mess of Oscars, including the Actors, but also in Best Cinematography and Art Direction. It was stunning. Shot on Color film, on a "greyscale set" and converted in post. I love that. The toning on the film was tasty, really.
I felt like I was there.
I know what I won't waste money on, is the new Steve Martin Pink Panther remake. I've seen just two promos and even those stink.
There's a huge difference between Peter Sellers doing a funny role as seriously as he can, and Martin just acting funny, which doesn't work in the Clouseau role.
Haven't seen Breakback yet. Don't know if I'll ever see that. :uhoh
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Haven't seen Goodnight and Goodluck but will give it a look.
Oh and I loved the cinematography in Memoirs of a Geisha which is my favourite book and I thought the movie was excellent too.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
See any good trailers?
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Saw Munich, Brokeback Mountain is hopefully tomorrow night. I'm really looking forward to that one.
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As for movies, I recently saw The Matador. And even though I am not a
Pierce Brosnan fan, I liked it. Of course the beer and pizza they served
prolly helped
Wedding Crashers FTW!!!
Everything from nothing to all the dailies that were shot to a cut movie, to only very few select scenes. Every which way.
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In brief, I'm glad to read your review of Good Night, a fillum for which I did not care. I thought it was thin and obvious. It took a well known story and didn't add anything to it. The 'climax' came up short, for me. David Strathairn as Edward R. Murrow didn't strain himself to cover much emotional range. Overall, I felt like it played like what it was - a small movie with an awkwardly obvious political message.
I think it garnered Oscar nominations not because of how it was made, but because of what it was about. Same as Brokeback Mountain (which I thought was awfully good,) Crash (which was as subtle as a sledgehammer to the temple) and Munich (let down by a tiresome third act and lip-service to the Palestinians.) Can you spot the political thread running through these nominations?
Anyway, good to see why someone would like it. And thanks for starting the movie review thread.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I was chatting with a buddy about this. And I was wondering because
every once and a while (frequently), you see a trailer that makes you want
to see the flick. Then you do and you realize the two good scenes in the
trailer were the only ones
The building is unbelievable, and they are photog friendly. Also, the tickets only cost $6- so if you are in the NYC area, you ought to take a look.
Loew's Theater Website
Here is what the interior looks like:
and here is the exterior:
Today at 1 PM they are showing Old Yeller from 1957, as well as The Misfits at 8 PM.
Not exactly a movie review, but I thought it might be interesting regardless.
I saw "Good Night..." and also liked it very much. I do have to agree with Sid in part that I didn't come away knowing anything new about the men or the circumstances. I did however come away wondering "where is our Morrow today?"
Brokeback is a really good movie. Fantastic story telling, great acting. A thing or two I didn't like but certainly very moving. The score is beautiful.
I too will pass on Panther. I recently purchased the box set of DVDs of the Sellers' movies and will enjoy all of them instead. Like Mantle's jersey, they should have retired that franchise forever.
"Munich" was just okay for me. What I did like was Spielberg's filming approach. The pre-steadycam posturing of the camera really lent a sense of watching archival footage.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
None of our theaters are doing this. I am not going into the reasons why, but it makes me livid, especially since the movie industry is whining about people not going to the movies. Well, I would if I could. It used to be a fun cheap evening out, but frustrating due to my inability to translate the "sound" I hear.
So, anyone want to talk about DVDs.................they are usually captioned, but the extras are often not.
But I have the aristocats here, or crats, I don't know which. I have a chick flick, and I have The Gospel (that was a TV trailor a while back that made me want to see that movie).
I am aching to see George Clooney's "Good Night.......". I watch the TV shows that plug the movies. It really makes me angry!
i'm also looking forward to "The Clicker" with Adam Sandler
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
"Listen, Colonel Bat Guano, if that really is your name..."
Still a favorite, tho.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the War Room."
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Dr. Strangelove is an absolute favorite of people who are sitting nuclear aleart. We couldn't get enough of it in the alert shack for exercises.
And speaking of Peter Sellers.
Best.... movie....ever. Period.
There are details in that movie that you normally can't see unless you have a very clean copy. Check out the title on the report in front of General Turgidson (George C. Scott) in the War Room. I believe it is titled World Targets in MegaDeaths. A heavy metal band later took its name from that scene. MegaDeath.
The real Pentagon investigated Kubrick due to the all-too-real scenes inside the B-52 bomber that Major T. J. "King" Kong (Slim Pickens) was flying.
...and DGrinner's rejoice, a "Weegee" connection...
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Ugh - this really sucks!
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I recently saw Memoirs of a Geisha. Haven't read the book, so I can't address some of the critics claims that is wasn't what it could've been. As an objective viewer, I found the story rich in cultural representation of Japan in that era and the cinematography/costumes/sets were wonderful. A great date flick if you can't bring yourself to go see it alone.
Saw the Wedding Crashers on DVD - loved it! Good, light entertainment.
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Aside from the dreadful score, Roxanne is still a good time. Watched it with the kids the other night. They were cracking up.
"Get out!"
"Get out? I am out! You get in!"
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Yet, you like David Hasselhoff.
Go figure.
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Liking David Hasselhoff is a non-US thing. He's WAY popular all 'round the world. But Gus - seriously, I thougth you were more au courant, really.
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Oh, and another vote for The Matador. F'ing hilarious... Pierce Brosnan as a washed up Portugese Assasin. Hell yeah.
Disclaimer: I was sober at the time of viewing.
I also bait heavily mate...i though you would be au courant.
thanks for the post-
hard to believe it was made over 40 years ago-