hungry for challenge ideas

food must have been on my mind.....

comments welcome, thanks for looking.
3 were taken today in the grocery store, the eggs taken at home from my own chicks
rebel xt, 50mm 1.4 lens, ambient light

comments welcome, thanks for looking.
3 were taken today in the grocery store, the eggs taken at home from my own chicks
rebel xt, 50mm 1.4 lens, ambient light
Great idea! I was thinking food would be a great subject too! You're smart to take your camera to the store - my kind of frugal thinking!
I believe my favorite one is your first one. I think the eggs have potential. However, that perspective didn't do anything for me personally, maybe a more creative angle would have more impact. (?)
This summer's wilderness photography project:
thanks. i wonder if i could get one of the chickens to pose with them
i will give it some more thought, thanks.
my stuff
Of the 4 photos I think the 2nd photo packs the most visual punch. The little yellow pepper jumps out boldly sitting askew against the dark green ones. The radishes don't do it for me. I really like the concept of the eggs. I think it fits the assignment perfectly, but for me it is not quite as visually strong as the peppers. Perhaps a better angle? Good idea though!