
SOLD: A bunch of used Minolta stuff

docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
edited February 12, 2006 in Flea Market
ETA: I have sold the first batch of stuff and shipped it out Monday. A few items did not sell and have been relisted. I will be posting more camera related stuff soon. I have to deal with a few health issues first.

Original Post:

I have put a bunch of old Minolta stuff (Lenses, Bodys, and Accessories) up for sale on ebay. I would have posted them here first but I have several things going on at once and this was the easiest way for me.


If the link does not work, do a search for docwalkerusn

One reason for not posting it here first, is that I figured most of you have moved to more modern gear anyway.

I have some other items that I will list here first at a later date.

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